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  1. stephen33

    Fighting clown fish

    they probably just need time. watch the smaller one for signs of submissive behavior. if he starts to twitch or shake or swim on his side then you should be all set if you give them time. if this doesnt happen then you may have a pair of females but from have you are saying it seems like the...
  2. stephen33

    Pics of my 5.5 g

    i think it would make a pretty cool shrimp tank with maybe a neon goby or something similar.
  3. stephen33

    Heres the plan...

    im heading of to school this year and i though about it but dorm rooms really arnt big enough for a tank of any size. keep in mind that if you are in a dorm the only space that is really yours is ur bed and about a 4 by 2 desk i guess you could put it on ur desk and study on ur bed but also i...
  4. stephen33

    Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

    i love the clown i have been trying to figure out which kind i want to put in one of my tanks and i think i just made up my mind. As for guppies i know that guppies and swordtails are very common in brackish tanks and along with puffers so it is probably actually possible to make one a salt...
  5. stephen33

    First fish problem...

    I had the same thing happen to two clowns i went away of a weekend and came back to find one of them just about dead and the other covered in spots. you have to treat for ick pretty quick if it is a fish only tank and he is the only fish in there u may be able to treat him in the tank but if...
  6. stephen33

    Percula maturity ?

    i recently got two percula clowns one is about an inch and a half long and the other is a little over 2 inches. I was wondering at what size the larger one will turn female if it hasnt already. Also is the smaller one small enough to be a male for sure? the larger one shows agression toward the...
  7. stephen33

    Lets see some 29 to 30 gallon tanks!

    Serpentar is that a spotted puffer in your tank? i used to have a few in a brackish tank but didnt know if they could be fully aclimated to a full salt water tank.
  8. stephen33

    has anyone tried a cold water tank?

    I live on the coast of maine and have kept fish for a number of years but just only got into salt water about a year ago. I lobster in the summers and catch some very beautiful fish and crabs and was wondering if a salt water tank could be set up that could hold them. You would be surfprised at...