Search results

  1. tammy

    What food/chemicals to put in tank?

    Hello! I posted this on another site and really didn't get an answer to my questions so I was hoping someone here could help me out. I was wondering what exactly I should be feeding "everyone" in my tank and should I be adding all of these things together? I would think not but not sure. In...
  2. tammy

    corn snake

    How much are you asking for your snake? Are you willing to ship as I am in CA. Thanks!
  3. tammy

    65 gal. corner tank has to go. Oregon

    I am interested in your complete tank but I was wondering if you had a picture you could e-mail me? I tried sending you an e-mail but it said you were not accepting e-mails from the board. So if you could e-mail me that would be great. Thanks! Tammy e-mail at: TammyIs5150@AOL.COM
  4. tammy

    Soap Q Please Help!!

    Hello everyone I need help very VERY BAD!! A few months ago we bought another reef tank and when we brought it home and set it back up it crashed. To make a long story short EVERYTHING doid in the tank - EVERYTHING. Well today I was adding a lot of water because when the tank crashed we...
  5. tammy

    Collecting Sharks

    Carorella, Actually the hooks are pretty small. They are only baby sharks. Catching the big leopards are very easy in this part of the bay as well but for that you need the larger hooks. It's amazing to see just how many people catch. My husband regularly catches at least 6 per visit. A few...
  6. tammy

    Collecting Sharks

    No, I think "crazy" ca law works just fine.
  7. tammy

    Collecting Sharks

    If you want me to catch you some send me an e-mail at TammyIs5150@AOL.COM
  8. tammy

    Collecting Sharks

    It's legal to fish and eat them but not to catch one for your aquarium? Sounds like another crazy california law to me!
  9. tammy

    Collecting Sharks

    Jim what part of CA are you from? My husband and I just moved to the Napa Valley about a year ago. My husband has caught numerous baby sharks right off the Berkeley Marina. It a GREAT place to fish and you never know what you are going to get. The other night he caught a very large bat ray...
  10. tammy

    Collecting Sharks

    I was wondering if there is anyone out there who have collected there own baby sharks? Please don't jump on me as I HAVE NOT done this I'm simply just curious. I live on the west coast here in California and on numerous occasions my husband and I have gone to the Marina and while fishing for...
  11. tammy

    Octopus food......

    Hey Croc Hunter I was wondering if you could send me your e-mail address. I also live in the Bay Area and have been looking for an Octi. My e-mail is TammyIs5150@AOL.COM.
  12. tammy

    Ocean water and Sand to help "seed"

    Hello Everyone my name is Tammy and I am very new to this web site. I am very impressed with the knowledge and advice everyone gives out. I have kept freshwater fish for about 20 years and I have finally decided to set up a 135 gallon salt water tank. I have been trying to read everything I...