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  1. fisholholic


    never mind the tusk was my reason for goin aggressive. so now that I cant have one I will just turn my tank into a reef tank. Thanks for the help anyways
  2. fisholholic


    Than in your opinion what would be a attractive fish that I could put in with a humahumu and a snowflake?
  3. fisholholic


    O I knew which to add first the question was if I could do that set up. Wouldnt the tusk not grow as much considering the size of the tank, or will it outgrow it. the tank is a 65 by the way and the dimensions are 36 long 24 tall and 18 wide
  4. fisholholic


    that is why I asked because I doubet the book. how small of a tank do you think i could keep a humahuma, tusk, and a snowflake eel in must be pretty big. right? thought so but I guess it was worth a shot
  5. fisholholic


    In one of my books it says that tusks can be kept in a 55 but you people say that I cant keep it in my 65.?
  6. fisholholic

    im new to this board!

    ok that is ok buteven the marine betta gets to big? and I read before that tusks usualyy only get 6-9 inches but o well. about hamlets do you know about the shy hamlet hypoplectrus guttavarius does it live up to its name? but anyway do ya know any fish that are wicked cool looking except lions...
  7. fisholholic

    im new to this board!

  8. fisholholic

    im new to this board!

    ok j/w i have a snowflake and a few damsels in my 65 and i want to add life so if i get rid of the damsels can i option 1) get a blue line grouper and a tusk or, option 2) get a marine betta and a tusk