

Why are you asking us if you think your book is right then? I think you know that the people on this board are right. There are some very knowledgable people here that probably know way more than the author of that book. Any book that says you can keep a tusk in a 55 doesn't sound too credible to me. Maybe if it was the only fish in your 65 it could live for a few years but who wants one fish? If you want to give it a shot though, go for it. I mean why not? They're only like 100 bucks...


New Member
that is why I asked because I doubet the book. how small of a tank do you think i could keep a humahuma, tusk, and a snowflake eel in must be pretty big. right? thought so but I guess it was worth a shot


I've always heard that it is the surface area of the aquarium that truly matters. Think about it, if you have a 12 foot long tank that is only a foot wide, it'd be better to have a six foot long tank that is two feet wide. So its not JUST about the length. Take into account the surface area.


And YES, I think that those three fish would do ok in a 75 or 90. Not that I am claiming Dr. Burgess is a genius, but he claims you can keep a tusk in a 55(I wouldn't try it), a huma in a 75(I would try it) and everyone knows you can keep a snowflake in a relatively small tank. So I think the three would be fine together in these size tanks. Just introduce the trigger last and get it a little smaller than the tusk.


New Member
O I knew which to add first the question was if I could do that set up. Wouldnt the tusk not grow as much considering the size of the tank, or will it outgrow it. the tank is a 65 by the way and the dimensions are 36 long 24 tall and 18 wide


Well you could probably put a tusk in a 20 gallon but it doesn't mean it would be right. These are fish which need their space. I wouldn't put one in anything smaller than a 100 gallon tank, especially with the other inhabitants you listed. You have to remember that these fish will spend the remainder of their lives in this tank and you might as well make it as comfotable for them as you can. The more stressed they are, the more apt they are to develop an illness and die. Just some advice from years of experience.... Good Luck.


I disagree. Tusks only get around 10 inches at the maximum. Now while I would not try it in a 65, I would try it in a 75 ot 90. I don't think a 100 is neccessary. If you say you want to keep these fish as comfortable as possible, then leave them in the ocean.


New Member
never mind the tusk was my reason for goin aggressive. so now that I cant have one I will just turn my tank into a reef tank. Thanks for the help anyways