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  1. ksheely

    aggressive clean up crew

    i have a 65 gallon with a 2-3 inch lunare wrass a 2 inch picasso and a 7 inch zebra moray eel, i just picked up two huge hermits for the tank other than those what can i put in there to help with algae and other cleaning jobs
  2. ksheely

    65 gallon

    how does this sound for a 65 gallon aggressinve tank 1 picasso trigger, 2 lunare wrass, 3 a moray eel, and maybe 1 more fish they would all be juvis when i buy them, I already have the lunare and the picasso my filtration is a 5 inch dsb, 30 gallon refrigium, penguin 330 a hot magnum canister...
  3. ksheely

    small groupers

    are there any groupers that stay fairly small and get kind of aggressive, i was looking to put one in my 65 gallon that currently has 1 picasso trigger and 1 lunare wrass it will also be house with a eel of some sort in the long run
  4. ksheely

    60 gallon

    i have a 60 gallon saltwater that is currently cycling and i am trying to decide on weather to make it an aggressive or a community fo I am leaning toward a community tank because more diverse choices but i was wondering on the subject of triggers would it be possible to put 2-3 of the more...
  5. ksheely

    To much light? Is it possible?

    yes i think that there is a such thing but it is fairly difficult to achieve, for instance on my dads 30 gallon reef tank we have 1 400 watt metal halide and it has made the corals grow like crazy.
  6. ksheely

    Watts per gallon, just for fun...

    about 13
  7. ksheely

    anyone here run skimmerless

    i have a 20 gallon reef tank with 4 inch dsd 25 pounds live rock a 30 gallon gravity fed refrigum and a berlin air lift skimmer, i was thinking about taking it out do u think that my filtration would be enough
  8. ksheely

    standard flouresant

    can one of those shoplights fire a good buble like they sell at a lfs for the aquarium
  9. ksheely


    what i have been told to do is phase them in gradually, by gradually increasing the photoperiod.
  10. ksheely

    What can I do w/a basic 33 gal

    i would reccomend a prizim protein skimmer and as for lighting it depends on what type of corals that u wish to keep
  11. ksheely


    can someone reccomend me a good skimmer for a 55 gallon fish only it wil have a 20 gallon refrigum.
  12. ksheely

    tank setup

    your set up seems pretty good
  13. ksheely

    screw in bulb

    has anyone ever used the kind of bulb that are marc weis i think and they screw into normal light sockets but are supposed to be as good as metal halide, what did u think about them
  14. ksheely

    silicate based sand

    i use silaca sand in my main tank and refregum it has never changed anything for the worse
  15. ksheely

    future sps tank

    i already have a 20 gallon tank with 1 55 watt pc and 2 15 watt no's, i am going to upgrade to 1 175 watt 55k metal halide and 1 55 watt pc atinic, is this enough for sps and clams and what kind of color would i get
  16. ksheely


    i hate to but in on this but also what do u filter it with
  17. ksheely


    by the way
  18. ksheely

    40 Gallon Lighting Question

    i dont think so but not sure
  19. ksheely

    How much light

    i would say to keep most or all corals u could have 4 110 watt bulb or more
  20. ksheely

    sea horses

    sorry i mean 30 gallon tank my zero keeps messing up