tank setup


When I set my 75 gal tank up I started out with 85-90 lbs of lr and a ls base of 3 inches and have a cyclone series bio-filter
with the skimmer filter. The dealer told me to take the bio-bale out of the filter because it would work against the lr is this right and does my set-up seem good or could it be better.

here fishy

everybody certainly will have different opinions on this. When I set up my 125. I left the bio balls in my filter. I did not use the skimmer for a while and instead of fish to cycle the tank I cut up a piece of clam and placed it in the tank. When I saw things in the sand and on the rock I added some damsels....Never lost a fish doing it this way in fresh (Using a small piece of steak) or in salt. A lot of people recommend not using bio anything and I think this is a personal choice. Just don't rush putting fish in the tank as you will have it for a long time and most salt fish cost more than the typical fresh water fish. Good luck to you and happy holidays. :D


Take out the biobale, and add at least 1 more inch to your sand bed and you'll be in god shape.