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  1. tomtown

    Purple stuff?

    Thanks for the headsup about the purple stuff
  2. tomtown

    Purple stuff?

    I have a 14g biocube thats been up and running for about 3mo.The tanks starting to grow some kind of purple stuff on my L.R.andL.S.Everything in the tank is doing great,I was just wondering what the purple stuff is?Is it good or bad?Do I need to try and get rid of it and how?
  3. tomtown

    How much LR rubble in 14 biocube

    fairly new to saltwater myself have a question about LR in filter instead of bio-balls. I have a 14 G biocube. The guy at LFS said rock in filter won't get enough light and will turn to mush before long. This didn't sound good for tank? Any suggestions? Thanks tomtown