Search results

  1. twoobem

    best way to catch a damsel

    Slurp gun....... Same thing that caught him in the first place. My LFS let me borrow his and it sucked him right out of the rocks......
  2. twoobem

    200 G - Too Heavy for my home?

    I had the same problem with 200 Gal.... The placement did not allow me to put it across the joists so I added cripples every 16 inches under the tank, then I added 2X10 beams every 16 inches under the cripples, added six posts, footer, and floor jacks. Hung a plumb bob from the ceiling and the...
  3. twoobem

    I did somthing stupid. PLEASE HELP

    I scuba dive on the oil rigs near the Florida Panhandle. How did you catch the scooter blennys? Can you bring rock back after you leave Federal waters?
  4. twoobem

    Water level in wet/dry

    I keep the water level at the bottom of the bio balls. Flooding goes both ways...If your return stops working and the sump is pumped into your tank!!! it is helpful if your tank can hold you sump... :D
  5. twoobem

    what are those white swimming organisms??

    Welcome to the board..... Please describe your tank and it's contents and please give as much information as you can about the white things. It is helpful to know the shape and habbits. (a lot of white things in tanks)
  6. twoobem

    Disposing of water

    Please check carefully if you are using a septic tank to dump your saltwater. You can research online about saltwater and what it does to a septic tank and the method used to disolve solids. It is a lot like washing all your live rock, DSB, and wet/dry in fresh water and then expect it to clean...
  7. twoobem

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    $2500 and I still need about $1000 in lighting for a 40 inch deep 174 gallon tank.
  8. twoobem

    Disposing of water

    Dont't dump it in a toliet if you have septic tank. You will find cleaning a septic tank is much worse than the reef tank. I created a four foot french drain where I dump the salt water.
  9. twoobem

    My dense brain matter and my wet dry filter

    BurnNSpy, Thank you for replying. Thats what I don't understand. How do I get extra nitrates? If my system (bio load) produces an amount of Ammonia and both the LR and the wet/dry converts it to nitrite and then to nitrate. Don't I get the same amount of nitrate from the wet/dry or LR before...
  10. twoobem

    My dense brain matter and my wet dry filter

    I am confused about why a wet/dry filter is bad in a reef tank. I understand that a wet/dry quickly converts the first two parts of the nitrogen cycle (ammonia and nitrite) to nitrate and that LR will do the same altough not as quickly and will handle less bio load. Deep in the DSB and LR will...
  11. twoobem

    Snail EATING Coralline Algae

    The snail is now in the Gulf of Mexico. He can strip all the food he wants.......
  12. twoobem

    Snail Death

    Mr. Sammy Stingray They were all right side up on rocks and I have never had any medication in my reef tanks.
  13. twoobem

    Hay all you sandsifting star owners..

    I have one in my tank and he does a great job at cleaning the sand and the bottom of the rocks. He is fun to watch digging in in out of the sand.
  14. twoobem

    Snail EATING Coralline Algae

    I have an unknown type of snail (came with the turbo snails but is not a turbo) stripping all algae including coralline algae. He has been in the tank for a week and turned two coraline encrusted rocks into two very white rocks :mad: . What type of snail is this? Who wants it or should he be...
  15. twoobem

    Snail Death

    I know the crabs did not kill the snails because they never moved from the spot I put them (except four) and I watched almost non-stop for 24 hours after I got the package. I am now thinking that most the snails were dead when the arrived or died very shortly after they arrived because of the...
  16. twoobem

    Snail Death

    Thanks for the information....I will have to research more about the snails...The remaining four snails are doing fine (not dead and eating.
  17. twoobem

    Snail Death

    I am in to the President's brother and in the forth largest state. I wonder if I need Anthrax Infection Control precations for my fish? :eek:
  18. twoobem's Invert Package

    I got the 90 gallon package on Friday. Everything was in good shape and lived over the weekend except the turbo snails (lost 16 of 20 dont' know why). I love the emerald crabs and shrimp.
  19. twoobem

    Snail Death

    Thank you for the help.... PH is 8.5 and I am using RO water. The only fish are two tomato clowns and one scooter blenny.
  20. twoobem

    Snail Death

    Help...16 of my 20 turbo snails died within 48 hours...I bought an invert package from saltwater fish (very happy with the package)and everything has lived but the snails. Yes, I am sure they are dead. No, nothing picked at them. Yes, they were right side up and on a surface they could adhere...