Search results

  1. michael r

    Worried About Solar Fairy Wrasse

    I had had my Solar Fairy Wrasse for about 2 months now and he's been doing great since. He's in a 90 gallon FOWLR with 2 Firefish, 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Pearlscale Butterflyfish and 1 Cleaner Shrimp. No one bothers him and he's always been a good eater. However, over the past week he's seemed really...
  2. michael r

    Shy Butterflyfish

    I recently purchased a Pearlscale Butterflyfish. I've had mine for almost 2 weeks now, and she's still very shy. Nobody is bullying her. She's always out when we're not around the tank. But as soon as she sees us she darts right back into her cave and stays there until we are a safe distance...
  3. michael r

    Tiger Tail Cucumber

    Now, BEFORE you go and tell me that all Sea Cucumbers are time bombs, I want to hear from the pros exactly how safe this Cucumber is (Holothuria hilla). Is it an effective sand cleaner? That's the reason I'm looking into them. Thanks, Michael
  4. michael r

    Diamond Gobies and the Sand Bed

    I have a 90 gallon FOWLR with the following stocklist: 1 Cleaner Shrimp 2 Firefish 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 1 Royal Gramma 1 Auriga Butterflyfish I have a shallow sand bed, around 1.5 inches. I don't believe it provides much in the denitrificiation, but my nitrates have always been around 10, which...
  5. michael r

    Cleaner Shrimp Hiding

    I've had my cleaner shrimp for about 5 months now and for about the past two weeks he's become very reclusive and is always in hiding. I can see him, but he isn't out and about and is at the back of the tank. He used to be very active and outgoing and used to clean my hand but now he won't even...
  6. michael r

    And What if I Want a Reef?

    Okay, my interest has been peaked; what do I need to have a reef? I have a 90 gallon FOWLR with 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 2 Firefish and 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse (all of whom I know to be reef safe). I don't have a sump or fuge, but I manage fine without them and have two bunches of caulerpa and...
  7. michael r

    Need Suggestions on Stocking

    Well I'm still out on my stocklist, I find that there is too much color repetition. I currently have: 2 Firefish 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse And I'm very happy with them. I really want to add some Butterflyfish as the centerpiece, 95% sure it'll be the Auriga. But I really don't know what else to add...
  8. michael r

    Chromis Questions

    I really want some Blue-Green Chromis for my aquarium as I think they'd fit in just swimmingly. I know there hasn't been much success with groups of three, and I don't want a group of five because that's quite a heavy bioload and I don't want the majority of my fish to be these. Anyways, I was...
  9. michael r

    FOWLR Lighting

    I have a 90 gallon FOWLR for which I would like to buy some better lighting. I realize that lighting is irrelevant in a FOWLR, but I would like more light, and want my aquarium to have a more reef-y feel. I'm looking at the Current USA Satellite 48" 2 x 65 Watt Power Compact-Single Strip W/2...
  10. michael r

    90 Gallon Stocklist

    After being away for a week I had a chance to relax and ponder what I really wanted in my aquarium: 2 Firefish 1 Auriga Butterflyfish 1 Flame Angelfish 1 Banggai Cardinalfish 1 Yellow Watchman Goby 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 1 Cleaner Shrimp So how does this stocklist look?
  11. michael r

    A Good Book or Atlas

    I'm currently looking around for an esteemed book on Marine fish keeping or a good Atlas on marine fish/invertebrates. I don't want a book that takes you back to the baby stages and starts everything over from the beginning; I'm past that and I won't get much out of it. I had a chance to glimpse...
  12. michael r

    A Small Tang and 1.5 Years

    Well an LFS near me has gotten in two small Purple Tangs (Z. xanthurum) at about 3 or 4 inches. My 90 gallon aquarium has been set up for 6 months now and only has 2 Firefish and 1 Cleaner Shrimp. The aquarium will only be set up for another 1.5 years (until June of 2009), so it is quite...
  13. michael r

    90 Gallon Stocklist

    Well I guess I'm creating a lot of stocklists so that I have several to choose from. I can't lie to myself; the Auriga is hands down my favourite Butterflyfish! Will this work in a 90 gallon? 2 Firefish 1 Auriga Butterflyfish 3 Green Chromis 1 Banggai Cardinalfish I also want a Dwarf Angelfish...
  14. michael r

    Okay, Okay, I'm Serious LAST Stocklist

    Alright, alright, I know what I want: 1 Flame Angelfish (C. loriculus) 1 Longnose Butterflyfish (F. flavissimus) 2 Firefish (N. magnifica) 1 Banggai Cardinalfish (P. kaudernii) Now, for some other fish I need some blue (any suggestions?), and I was thinking about adding a Royal Gramma but I'm...
  15. michael r

    My Last Stocklist... I Hope!

    I want to keep this simple. Here's the proposed stocklist for my 90 gallon FOWLR: 3 Green Chromis (C. viridis) 2 Firefish (N. magnifica) 1 Auriga Butterflyfish (C. auriga) 1 Other Butterflyfish In addition to the above I would like a second Butterflyfish. I know many would recommend a Dwarf...
  16. michael r

    Troubles with Butterflyfish

    My Butterflyfish hasn't been looking so hot for the past few days. It's been hiding a lot, and mostly hovering in a single place whenever it comes out. Today I found it lying on it's side, dark, but breathing. She isn't swimming but every so often when I check on her she has sometimes moved to...
  17. michael r

    Two Butterflyfish

    Well, I'm looking over my 90 gallon stocklist once more. I currently have: 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Falcula Butterflyfish 2 Firefish 2 Ocellaris Clownfish But I want to get rid of the Clownfish. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to add another Butterflyfish to my aquarium? They're my...
  18. michael r

    Revised Stocklist

    Well, I'm not very satisfied with the current stocklist in my 90 gallon aquarium, which consists of: 1 Cleaner Shrimp 2 Ocellaris Clownfish 2 Firefish 1 Falcula Butterflyfish Technically my stocklist isn't finished, but I'm growing bored of my current fish and forsee problems between these and...
  19. michael r

    Pistol Shrimp and Cleaner Shrimp

    I'm considering the addition of a Pistol Shrimp and Shrimp Goby pair for my aquarium. However, I'm concerned that the Pistol Shrimp might eat my Cleaner Shrimp, which it apparently does according to that video on YouTube demonstrating how it stuns and kills it... I'm not sure if that's true...
  20. michael r

    Protruding Anal Pore

    My Falcula Butterflyfish (C. falcula) has recently succumbed to lymphocystis. She's had it now for approximately 3 weeks, but apart from that is doing great (active, eating and looks well). Actually, her lymphocystis has recently begun to clear up. However, I've noticed about two days ago that...