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  1. dbm1983

    55g Reef Must Go!! Cnj

    Hello This very sad for me but I am moving and have no choice. I have a 55G and reef up and running. I have all the chemicals lights, fish, rock and everything you could want for an instant reef. Here is what I have, I would rather not piece it out. LIGHTING: -48' Catalina T5 -48' JBJ PC...
  2. dbm1983

    HELP with daily red algae cycle!

    The tank is a 55g reef. I am running a Fluval 405 and a Prizm protien skimmer for filtration. PH is 8.2, all my nitrates, nitrites and amonia are 0. I did lose my dragonnet about 2 months ago but the cleaner crew took care of that. As far as the stock list I have 1 flame angel, 2 blue chromis, 1...
  3. dbm1983

    HELP with daily red algae cycle!

    Ok so here is my problem. Every day for the last month I have been waking up to live rock and sand completely carpeted in red slime algae. By 8pm everyday the algae is all gone. I have added phos-ban to the output on the protien skimmer and have been dosing the last 2 weeks with Algae Magic...
  4. dbm1983

    Medusa worms

    Its all fiji, I did buy some mushroom frags that could be Florida rock but i have no idea.
  5. dbm1983

    Medusa worms

    Ok so I guess all I can do is pray these things don't die and wreck the tank, I would never have purchased one, they sorta just came with the rocks. Quite the creepy critters.
  6. dbm1983

    Medusa worms

    Ok so today I was checkin out the tank and found some crazy looking worms, I positively ID'd em as medusa worms. I couldnt find out too much info on them, they are kind of scary so I was worried about them attacking fish or my inverts. Anyone have any experience with these. The one must be 4...
  7. dbm1983

    Medusa Worms

    Ok I have identified some very large medusa worms living in my live rock. My friend spotted it earlier and I couldnt believe what I saw crawling around in my live rock. It looks amazing but kid of scary. Anyone know anything about these things or have them in their tanks? Ill try to post a pic.
  8. dbm1983

    dragon wrasse ?

    At what point will a juvinile dragon wrasse start to lose its colors and become a menace to inverts in the tank? They are such an interesting fish.
  9. dbm1983

    white live rock

    I used PurpleUp becuase my coraline was turning white. It clouds up the tank a little but has helped stop whitening and bring back purple to the coraline.
  10. dbm1983

    best reef angel?

    my flame hasn't touched my zoo's and came from a showcase reef tank, awsome fish and loves to graze on algea all day.
  11. dbm1983

    Tell me about fish and a 55g

    I was going through the same process you are a few months ago. I'll give you my set up for my 55g becuase it is working amazing and all my levels have never been crazy (except calcuim). Heres the equipment: Fluval 304 Red Sea Prizm Skimmer 48' Catalina t-5 AC Powerheads Jebo Heater Coralife UV...
  12. dbm1983

    Coraline turning white?

    The rock was under metal hallide for 3 years. The manager at the lfs I go to recommended Purple Up and a magnesium supplement after he tested the water. I have had no more coraline turning white in tank since adding the supplements and gettin my calcium up to 420.
  13. dbm1983

    Coraline turning white?

    I've added some calcium, but still want to get the water tested today. I have a 48" Catalina t-5 with 2 blue actinics.
  14. dbm1983

    Coraline turning white?

    The white is spreading rapidly, will I be able to bring the coraline back? I'm going to get my water tested tomorrow.
  15. dbm1983

    Coraline turning white?

    So I went away on an overnight trip and came home to find some of my very nice coraline turning bleach white. The tank itself is pretty newly established but the rock came from a very well established reef set up. What could be causing this? Are my fish in any danger? Thanks
  16. dbm1983

    Pics of my new 55!!!

    Thanks, Ill try that since I've got some really nice coraline and some hitch hikers I could use help id'ing that we're on the hitch hiker forum. Anyone have some ideas for stocking?
  17. dbm1983

    Pics of my new 55!!!

    Had to resort to using my low res cell phone camera... does it no justice but here they are
  18. dbm1983

    Pics of my new 55!!!

    My files are too large, says they can't be any larger than 500x500
  19. dbm1983

    Pics of my new 55!!!

    So after months of research and careful purchases I finally have my new 55 up! Heres the equip list Fluval 304 RedSea Prizm skimmer AQ Powerheads 48inCatalina t-5 Coralife 9v UV Stabalizer 50lbs LR, from a reef tank thats been established for years Today is the first day I put rock and sand in...
  20. dbm1983

    Water got in my Coralife day/night time

    So I was setting up my new 55 today and managed to spill some water on the powerstrip. I didnt notice but since it was plugged in I heard some humming. I immidiatly unplugged it from the wall and have it drying. Here's my question. Is the powerstrip shot for good or can it be dried? I want to...