Coraline turning white?


New Member
So I went away on an overnight trip and came home to find some of my very nice coraline turning bleach white. The tank itself is pretty newly established but the rock came from a very well established reef set up. What could be causing this? Are my fish in any danger?


Staff member
That is pretty normal. Check your calcium levels. That is what drives coraline.


New Member
The white is spreading rapidly, will I be able to bring the coraline back? I'm going to get my water tested tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dbm1983
The white is spreading rapidly, will I be able to bring the coraline back? I'm going to get my water tested tomorrow.
White is usually due to lack of lighting...Have you re-arranged your rock work??? White is still coraline....just needs light to return to the color it once was.


Active Member
If the rock is new and your lights and/or calcium and alkalinity levels aren't the same as the tank the rock was in previously, the rock could bleech out. Just keep your cal and alk within proper range and it will come back.


Originally Posted by earlybird
If the rock is new and your lights and/or calcium and alkalinity levels aren't the same as the tank the rock was in previously, the rock could bleech out. Just keep your cal and alk within proper range and it will come back.
I have a totoka rock I bought at my lfs and it was a pretty peach color coraline that bleached out to white. My calcium has been 460 and my alk has been between 9 and 10 dkh, and it hasn't recovered it's original color since I added it almost 8 weeks ago. It has formed some green and red hard coraline but is still mostly white. Is middle high under my 29g biocube PC's.


Active Member
Besides what was said in earlier post about the change and move, a little loss is normal and Ca and Alk levels.
I will add a couple more.
1. What about your PO4 level?
2. Did the tank you get the LR from have them under any Actinics and do you? IMO I think cloralline thrives better with Actinics running and removing them from that enviroment may explain some larger loss than normal.
If everything else is right, it should bouce back with or wo/actinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
I have a totoka rock I bought at my lfs and it was a pretty peach color coraline that bleached out to white. My calcium has been 460 and my alk has been between 9 and 10 dkh, and it hasn't recovered it's original color since I added it almost 8 weeks ago. It has formed some green and red hard coraline but is still mostly white. Is middle high under my 29g biocube PC's.
zman beat me to it.
It will get there. 8 weeks is not long enough IMO for full growth. Coraline actually does best in weaker lighting. That's not to say it can't grow under halides. Some of the best coraline in my tank is under ledges out of direct light.


Originally Posted by earlybird
zman beat me to it.
It will get there. 8 weeks is not long enough IMO for full growth. Coraline actually does best in weaker lighting. That's not to say it can't grow under halides. Some of the best coraline in my tank is under ledges out of direct light.
Yes, I didn't expect it back by 8 weeks, what I meant was what is growing now is green and red on the hard white not the peachy original color. And the isn't directly under my PC's, is under an overhang but still gets some of the light. I do have 10,000k actinics 32w along with the 32w day compacts. I'm in no hurry, just thought the original color would return but no signs of that as yet. Thanks for all of your input.


New Member
I've added some calcium, but still want to get the water tested today. I have a 48" Catalina t-5 with 2 blue actinics.


New Member
The rock was under metal hallide for 3 years. The manager at the lfs I go to recommended Purple Up and a magnesium supplement after he tested the water. I have had no more coraline turning white in tank since adding the supplements and gettin my calcium up to 420.