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  1. tangheaven

    New cycling - what to stock

    You need to let the tank get cycled and established before you consider adding anything delicate...angels, tangs...etc. The clowns are nice hardy fish...but also very agressive if they are the first first added. Really think about what you want out of the tank...FO or reef..but I would wait at...
  2. tangheaven

    aptasia anemone ?

    They are of the same family. But for some reason the darker colored ones don't seems to spread like wildfire. I also had a couple for a long time...then overnight I had the white ones. But I have seen that the darker ones irritate corals also...I ended up getting a filefish to wipe them all out.
  3. tangheaven

    reverse osmosis filtration system

    I got one from ----....I love it. It is called a reef keeper
  4. tangheaven

    Aiptasia anemones by the dozen

    Had the same problem a yr ago. I read an article by Julian Sprung and got a Acreichthys tomentosus AKA a leatherjacket file fish. Best investment ever. Has gone into a FO tank and cleaned it out...and then into my full reef tank. Has not touched a coral. Happy to fax article to anyone that needs...