aptasia anemone ?


I have had this one anenome for years, could it be a large aptasia anemone? The reason I ask, is that I have a bunch of little 1/16" critters on the glass of my tank.



New Member
They are of the same family. But for some reason the darker colored ones don't seems to spread like wildfire. I also had a couple for a long time...then overnight I had the white ones. But I have seen that the darker ones irritate corals also...I ended up getting a filefish to wipe them all out.


It looks like an aptasia, but I've never seen that color in them. Get a pepermint shrimp. They eat those nasties. I had a few and went out and got a pepp. No more aptasia. Sometimes the pepps will only eat it down to a certain level, so it will re-grow. That way they always have some to eat. They don't bother anything else. Heck I hardly ever see mine now that he ate the aptasias.