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  1. gmwilk

    green cyano????

    i will try and get a test kit does not have a phosphate test kit im going to get one tomorrow to test this, my filteration is as follows: oceanic protein skimmer for biocube, the stock biocube platic frame with filter floss over it that i change every week, bio balls in the middle...
  2. gmwilk

    green cyano????

    thanks for the info, ill add some more snails. what about doing 2 smaller water changes a week? i also had a question about my live rock, it has some brown stringy stuff growing on it. i dont think its diatoms. jw what it could be
  3. gmwilk

    green cyano????

    Originally Posted by Robdog696 green slime is actually more prevalent in freshwater aquariums than saltwater. This leads me to believe that bruner54 is correct. It feeds on nitrates, so your assumption that this is the reason for your good params is probably correct. I experienced a small...
  4. gmwilk

    green cyano????

    i have been trying to gid rid of this crap for 3 weeks or so, i try to vaccum out most of it out when i do my weekly change. it comes back and seems like in other spots where it was not before. it is also starting to grow on my rocks. i know its in a rather high flow area because the stringy...
  5. gmwilk

    whats wrong with some of my snails

    i believe they have enough food, i did my weekly water change and i flipped them back over and they started to move up the back wall on the tank.....i guess we will have to wait and see ...and no i have not done anything new, except i did add the oceanic protein skimmer about a month ago or so
  6. gmwilk

    whats wrong with some of my snails

    mexican turbos...we had a really bad storm the other day...the next day is when i noticed that they were all on the sand and it was weird bc they never go on the sand....and one was upside down and i flipped him back and he flipped over within 1 few dont really move around... but i...
  7. gmwilk

    whats wrong with some of my snails

  8. gmwilk

    whats wrong with some of my snails

    there about 4 months old
  9. gmwilk

    whats wrong with some of my snails

    a couple of my snails are not moving...but i know there are still alive ive checked, and they keep flipping over??? any suggestions? and my sg is 1.025 temp 80-82 ammonia is 0 trites 0 trates 10
  10. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    thanks...ill let you know if i see him
  11. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

  12. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    would the crab underneath be split in two? it was clean inside where it was split.
  13. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    SG 1.024 (i will slowly raise this to 1.025-.026) ph 8.2-8.3 (shade inbetween the 8.2 and 8.4) nitrate is 0 , nitrite is 0, ammonia is 0, i do not have a copper test and know its bad for inverts. i am using tap water...i know bad bad, if it was copper would copper kill a crab in about a week or...
  14. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    i awoke to a dead crab. my cuc got him. i know its him and not a molt because the body is split in two. i am using a the swing arm, i know they are not that accurate. fyi its a bio cube 29 and i just added a clown gobie on monday and the oceanic protein skimmer. could this affect the crab? i...
  15. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    and he has been moving about the tank at night and in the morning when i wake up until today
  16. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    i did the drip method, all my parameters are good, except my nitrates are little high, 1.024 sg. he was like staying in the same place kinda moving his legs a little and saw his mouth moving a bit but not walking around or anything. he is in the same since like 4 pm.
  17. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    he really isnt hiding i can see him plain as day behind a piece of lr...hopefully he is they act sluggish during this phaase? he seemed to be a bit more active until today
  18. gmwilk

    Emerald crab on his last leg???

    i got him about a week or so ago and he was kinda white and green, i read a few posts saying that he is prob going to molt soon. well today i saw him and he really hasnt moved from the same spot, but i knew it was him because he would move a little bit. is he about to bite it or is he about to molt?
  19. gmwilk

    tank overflow mod...will it work?

    just wanted to know if anyone has attempted this or not....i was researching a bigger thank bla bla bla and i found one that doesnt have an overflow or is my question is has anyone cut slits in the back or drilled holes in the back section of the aquarium and siliconed up an...
  20. gmwilk

    Bio Ball IN or OUT

    what about seachems matrix instead of the balls? anyone have good luck with the stuff?