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  1. gmwilk

    purple lobster?

    they look cool but i think im going to skip them
  2. gmwilk

    algae help plz!!!

    thanks, i was thinking about putting a rotating head on the output of the stock pump. im going to beef up my clean up crew. the lfs was kinda picked over on stuff when i was there last. i would get stuff off here but im pretty much set and i dont see spending a min of 80 on a few snails / crabs lol
  3. gmwilk

    purple lobster?

  4. gmwilk

    purple lobster?

  5. gmwilk

    purple lobster?

    anyone have one of these? if so what inverts did you have and did it attack them or fish? would you suggest them? thanks!
  6. gmwilk

    algae help plz!!!

    that would put me at turning the tank over about 21 times an hour
  7. gmwilk

    algae help plz!!!

    the bio cube is kinda bad with stock 243 per hour thats about 8 times over in an should be near 20 or so right?...i was looking at the hydor karolia...but the smallest has 400 gph is this to much flow?
  8. gmwilk

    algae help plz!!!

    queen conch will do..they just eat un eaten food fish waste algae etc correct?
  9. gmwilk

    algae help plz!!!

    2 medium turbo snails 5 blue hermits its a 30 biocube...i was planning on more but wanted some more opinion on what else...i was thinking some shrimp and maybe a white porclein crab...but will they eat my fish? clown royal gramma and a firefish
  10. gmwilk

    algae help plz!!!

    two questions 1) can diatoms live on LR? i have brown algae on the lr and it is easy to remove with the my scrub pad thingy...2)is there anything i can add to tank to help control them and cyano more clean up crew etc? the tank is 4 weeks old...seems like when i did a water change the diatoms...
  11. gmwilk

    cyano problem

    ok i want to know what is the best route to tackle this stuff tomorrow....this cyano stuff popped up out of now going to do a water change tomorrow and remove most of tthe cyano i wanted to know if i should try this blue life red slime control? has anyone used it and what where the...
  12. gmwilk

    odd royal gramma?

    cool...its kinda funny to see him do this thanks for the help
  13. gmwilk

    odd royal gramma?

    just got a royal gramma yesterday acclimated him for a bit over an hour seems great today...eats but one thing i noticed he sometimes swims on his side...and hovers straight up and down parrellel to my heater is this normal...he does venture away sometimes and swims normally and eats....alot but...
  14. gmwilk

    Orland Park, IL anyone???

    i go to noahs ark in merrilville kinda expensive but really nice....there is a place in highland call exotica aquatica....i do not like at all tried telling me all wrong info...thank god i read books and went on here before doing anything lol
  15. gmwilk

    clown wont eat

    will give it a try and will give updates asap
  16. gmwilk

    pink tip anemone

    maybe you can stear me in teh direction of something that looks like the pink tip and i could have in the tank
  17. gmwilk

    pink tip anemone

  18. gmwilk

    pink tip anemone

    ya the haitian...i saw it on SWF i saw it was pretty cheap just wondering if it was easy to take care of...and i have a 29 biocube...prob to small
  19. gmwilk

    black brittle star

    is a 29 biocube to small for a black brittle? and will they eat my firefish clown hermits or shrimps...i heard of the green brittle doing this but wondered if the black can do anything like this thanks
  20. gmwilk

    pink tip anemone

    is the pink tip anemone a "beginner anemone" and what do you guys say the min. tank size for one of them..and how old should the tank be before getting one???? thanks