pink tip anemone


is the pink tip anemone a "beginner anemone" and what do you guys say the min. tank size for one of them..and how old should the tank be before getting one???? thanks


so i think the anemone that ur thinking about is the haitian. imo i dont think anemones are for beginners. i dont really know the tank size because they get really big and can move around. but i have my condi in my 55 gal for now.


ya the haitian...i saw it on SWF i saw it was pretty cheap just wondering if it was easy to take care of...and i have a 29 biocube...prob to small


maybe you can stear me in teh direction of something that looks like the pink tip and i could have in the tank


Active Member
You shouldnt have a problem with one. I have a BTA in my 29 biocube and its doing well all stock lighting. Anemones should move around alot at all once they have found where they are happy. Water quality is extremly important, and so are trace elements Iodine, alk, calc, all need to be tested unless you do weekly water changes. The care they require is equal to that of a reef tank with most soft corals. As for lighting the stronger the better however they can survive under the stock PC's. The haitian anemone you speak of def needs strong flow and remember the size of the animal is deceiving. Mine can get to be a little lager than a golf ball which doesnt happen often, but when its inflated it will be about 3.5" across. Good Luck.