algae help plz!!!


two questions 1) can diatoms live on LR? i have brown algae on the lr and it is easy to remove with the my scrub pad thingy...2)is there anything i can add to tank to help control them and cyano more clean up crew etc? the tank is 4 weeks old...seems like when i did a water change the diatoms kinda came back immediatly...i bought ro/di water from the grocery store in the gallon jugs can it be high in silicates? will a lawn mower blenny eat diatoms and the brown stuff on the lf? thanks


2 medium turbo snails 5 blue hermits its a 30 biocube...i was planning on more but wanted some more opinion on what else...i was thinking some shrimp and maybe a white porclein crab...but will they eat my fish? clown royal gramma and a firefish

mini micro

New Member
will these hermits and queen conch crawl up over the rocks and eat the algae or will they stay around the bottom and the sand?
Could use some of these myself


Active Member
Also look at some different clean up crew packages and see the different kinds of critters. I'd get different snails also. What are your water numbers. Maybe cut back on light some and what is your gph? This is a stage and will pass.


the bio cube is kinda bad with stock 243 per hour thats about 8 times over in an should be near 20 or so right?...i was looking at the hydor karolia...but the smallest has 400 gph is this to much flow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmwilk
the bio cube is kinda bad with stock 243 per hour thats about 8 times over in an should be near 20 or so right?...i was looking at the hydor karolia...but the smallest has 400 gph is this to much flow?
I think so. Look at the maxi jet 400 or 600. 106/160 gph respectively. I think two mj 400s would be perfect and you could even put a hydor rotating head on one.
I have a 29g and my cleaners consist of 1 mexincan turbo who mows down algae on the rocks, glass and sand. 10 astraea snails that eat algae on rocks and glass mainly but move across the sand. 10 nassarius snails that shift the sand as they burrow but are scavengers. 10 blue leg hermits which shift the sand eating algae off of rocks and sand. 1 cleaner shrimp, scavenger. Finally 1 peppermint shrimp scavenger and carnivore as he attacks some of my snails and was responsible for killing 4 scarlet hermits. He doesn't mess with the blue legs but they have a bad rep for killing snails for their shells. I don't mind the food chain as I can easily replace my cleaners which looks like I'm going to have to do every few months or so.


thanks, i was thinking about putting a rotating head on the output of the stock pump. im going to beef up my clean up crew. the lfs was kinda picked over on stuff when i was there last. i would get stuff off here but im pretty much set and i dont see spending a min of 80 on a few snails / crabs lol