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  1. rockkapper

    i want a peaceful blue fish help

    Originally Posted by usefulidiot213 So I have heard the Angles are a 50/50 chance with corals. "with that said" I love my coral beauty. He spends all day swimming in and out of my live rock. Never seen him pick at any of my corals. Really good color... Beautiful fish... thank you for...
  2. rockkapper

    i want a peaceful blue fish help

    Originally Posted by Anonome A coral beauty is a good idea. I bought mine online and waited until just the right one came available, almost 4 months. Here is my Marshall Island Coral Beauty. It has more blue than the usual purple. very nice
  3. rockkapper

    i want a peaceful blue fish help

    Originally Posted by crimzy Bicolor angels are nice. Also a few blue chromis would be cool. thay have a few blue chromis at my lfs but just not what i was looking for
  4. rockkapper

    i want a peaceful blue fish help

    i have thought about the coral beauty but heard thay pick a corals and thank all of yall
  5. rockkapper

    i want a peaceful blue fish help

    Originally Posted by crimzy How about a blue ring octopus? lol
  6. rockkapper

    i want a peaceful blue fish help

    must be very peaceful i have a 55g two false perculas one lawnmower blenny and 4 green chromis reef safe a must and blue at least part blue
  7. rockkapper

    bta attached to toadstool help !!!!!

    thank you very much
  8. rockkapper

    bta attached to toadstool help !!!!!

    help what do i do
  9. rockkapper

    anemones and pcs

    thank you very much going to get 1 this week end
  10. rockkapper

    anemones and pcs

    can you keep any anemones under 4 65 watt pc?
  11. rockkapper

    anyone in tennessee?

    i am from hendersonville tenn dont have any thing to trade but will have soon hopfuly
  12. rockkapper

    clown died of brooklynella

    thank you very much cant wait for new one but i will
  13. rockkapper

    clown died of brooklynella

    i lost a clown monday to brooklynella i had two clowns and treated the other with formalin 3 and all the white film is gone i will treat him again tomarrow my but he is already lonly my ? is when i get another do i need to get a larger one or smaller one the one i have is about 1in by the way...
  14. rockkapper

    white film on clowns help

    thank you the white slim has already disapered
  15. rockkapper

    white film on clowns help

    has any one used formalin 3 to treat clowns trying it now
  16. rockkapper

    white film on clowns help

    help white film peeling off clowns help
  17. rockkapper

    open water fish?

    what a firefish
  18. rockkapper

    open water fish?

    thank you very much
  19. rockkapper

    reef safe open water fish?

    i have a 55g tank and i want 2 open water swimmers must be peaceful please help
  20. rockkapper

    open water fish?

    i have a 55g tank with 2 damsels 1 lawnmore blenny and a goby i want 2 open water swimmers that a peaceful please help