i want a peaceful blue fish help


New Member
must be very peaceful i have a 55g two false perculas one lawnmower blenny and 4 green chromis reef safe a must and blue at least part blue


Active Member
I loooove hippo (aka blue regal) tangs, but you wouldn't be able to hang onto one very long before having to put it into a larger tank. I've got a juvi in my 30 gallon, but he's not going to be in there for much longer than a few more months

VERY colorful and funny to watch.


Active Member
A coral beauty is a good idea. I bought mine online and waited until just the right one came available, almost 4 months. Here is my Marshall Island Coral Beauty. It has more blue than the usual purple.


New Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Bicolor angels are nice. Also a few blue chromis would be cool.
thay have a few blue chromis at my lfs but just not what i was looking for


New Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
A coral beauty is a good idea. I bought mine online and waited until just the right one came available, almost 4 months. Here is my Marshall Island Coral Beauty. It has more blue than the usual purple.
very nice
Originally Posted by rockkapper
i have thought about the coral beauty but heard thay pick a corals and thank all of yall

So I have heard the Angles are a 50/50 chance with corals. "with that said" I love my coral beauty.
He spends all day swimming in and out of my live rock. Never seen him pick at any of my corals. Really good color... Beautiful fish...


New Member
Originally Posted by usefulidiot213
So I have heard the Angles are a 50/50 chance with corals. "with that said" I love my coral beauty.
He spends all day swimming in and out of my live rock. Never seen him pick at any of my corals. Really good color... Beautiful fish...
thank you for the input i am thinking about it


Active Member
There are always bicolor angels, too (another dwarf).
They, however, are usually a reallllllly deep shade of blue...
But not always!

Any coral beauty I've ever seen is more purple than blue, but I would go with that over a bicolor or a chromis, IMO.


how about a red head solomon fairy wrasse???
they have some red like on their forehead... but the rest of the body is blue/light blue
very active and very good looking fish.
im waiting on my LFS to bring mine in.


Active Member

The only other fish that would fit is a yellow tail damsel. Since it is the last fish you are adding it should work and not cause a problem. Their blue is almost as good as the regal tang.


Active Member
Not sure if you've seen the "Blue Reef Chromis" but its a cool black and blue fish. I like them better than the green chromis.


A Coral Beauty is going to be my next fish I add. I ordered one that came in last week but it had a scrape on his nose and looked like it had a couple of spots of ich so I didn't take it. I, did, however get the most beautiful bright orange maroon clown I've ever seen. His outline is almost flourescent. I've never seen one this color. Anyway, I vote for the Coral Beauty and I happen to like the purple and orangey/red ones better than the blue. Of course, purple is my favorite color!