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  1. b515001

    Pipe Organ

    Originally Posted by grumpygils It is easy and should grow quick. Mine get the usual reef treament of DTs and Cyclopeese. Mc thanks, i am looking forward to it growing
  2. b515001

    Pipe Organ

    so my wife comes home from the LFS and has a rather large Pipe Organ coral. It's very beautiful, but does anybody have experience with them? Kinda curious as to what I am in for. The LFS said with moderate light and decent water flow that it is very hardy. Can anybody confirm this? I am sure it...
  3. b515001

    Pink tip Question

    Originally Posted by lovecraft I guess I'm lucky, mine stayed in the exact same spot I placed him and he's been there for weeks. I kind of would like to move him to a different spot now, but I don't want to hurt him because he seems pretty happy where he is. He just doesn't seem to know that...
  4. b515001

    Pink Tip Anemone

    Originally Posted by MommaFishinMD An arrow in a 14gal? Wow my lfs said not to get one for my 40gal because he would get to big If he gets to big I also have a 170 gallon FOWLR I can put him in. My Nano is only a month old. But they only grow 1-3 inches I don't see why he would get to big
  5. b515001

    Pink Tip Anemone

    Originally Posted by MommaFishinMD How big is your tank? it's a 14 gallon bio cube..
  6. b515001

    Pink Tip Anemone

    I recently bought one for my nano.. At the store it was hosting a pair of maroon clown. When i got it home i was hoping my Ocellaris Clownfish would hook up with the anemone. I did some research after the fact, and most places say this particular anemone doesn't host any clown fish. Strangely...