Pipe Organ


New Member
so my wife comes home from the LFS and has a rather large Pipe Organ coral. It's very beautiful, but does anybody have experience with them? Kinda curious as to what I am in for. The LFS said with moderate light and decent water flow that it is very hardy. Can anybody confirm this? I am sure it wasn't cheap so I don't want to do anything to kill it. It's about 5-6 inches in length with purple "flowers" that pop out of it unless it is startled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by b515001
so my wife comes home from the LFS and has a rather large Pipe Organ coral. It's very beautiful, but does anybody have experience with them? Kinda curious as to what I am in for. The LFS said with moderate light and decent water flow that it is very hardy. Can anybody confirm this? I am sure it wasn't cheap so I don't want to do anything to kill it. It's about 5-6 inches in length with purple "flowers" that pop out of it unless it is startled.

It is easy and should grow quick. Mine get the usual reef treament of DTs and Cyclopeese.


New Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
It is easy and should grow quick. Mine get the usual reef treament of DTs and Cyclopeese.
thanks, i am looking forward to it growing