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  1. squirreloso

    looking to add skimmer... tunze?

    yeah dont get a tunze i got mine too early, everyone said to get it lol i should have waited until all the reviews were out before i took the plunge
  2. squirreloso

    mod for tunze 9005 skimmer?

    well never mind, i just purchased a different skimmer and im ditchin' the tunze
  3. squirreloso

    mod for tunze 9005 skimmer?

    has anyone ever modded their tunze doc skimmers? it produces very litte even after six months, is there a way to make it produce more?
  4. squirreloso

    mod for tunze 9005 skimmer?

    has anyone ever modded their tunze doc skimmers? it produces very litte even after six months, is there a way to make it produce more?
  5. squirreloso

    Don't Do This!!!

    theres actually several tanks like that in hong kong, thats the norm for them. they do however practice strict water change routines, water is changed out on a daily basis theres def no room for aggression in a tank that stocked but i do admit, it makes me nervous to look at
  6. squirreloso

    No,No,No, tap water

    I have to disagree also I use tap water and i actually have less problems then when i used RO i keep softees and lps in my 220 gallon reef my water isnt as good as NYC' water ( im a native ny'er) im now in pennsylvania where the water taste horrible, it has chloramines, ammonia and 20 ppm...
  7. squirreloso

    will algaecide kill coralline?

    Originally Posted by offsetfactor Again, he doesn't have any coral...moot point. Looks to me like the product is meant to speed up the nitrifying bacteria to more effectively convert nitrates before any nuisance algae has the chance to use them to grow. If thats the case, i don't think it is...
  8. squirreloso

    will algaecide kill coralline?

    I put in algae magic by marc weiss ive been scraping it with kents pro scraper, it is a metal blade just thought maybe someone would know if this stuff or any other algaecide would effectively kill off coralline, i see no one is really experienced enough to give a straight forward answer. I dont...
  9. squirreloso

    will algaecide kill coralline?

    Originally Posted by turtlegirl933 Most corals have algea in them, so killing the algea will bleach the corals. Plus, I don't trust algeacide. Anything that kills some thing has to have sidefecs. If you have an algea problem, fix your water and stuff and it will go away. argh no one...
  10. squirreloso

    will algaecide kill coralline?

    Originally Posted by paintballer768 Coralline is algae so I think it will. I would never use algaecide, just get snails and wait for the coralline to overrun the hair/slime algae. red/slime algae? no its green coralline, not slime. i dont have any cyano or hair algae of any kind in this tank...
  11. squirreloso

    will algaecide kill coralline?

    My fish only tank is plagued with green hard coralline on the back glass and sides. Its harder to remove than pink coralline. Ive been using the kent pro scraper with metal blade and i barely put a dent in this stuff. Its really beyond my control. so i thought if an algaecide would be effective...
  12. squirreloso

    pic of my lil ponies

    Originally Posted by saltspirt what size tank is that? what lighting do you have on it? nice pair! It's a 10 gallon lighting is a Current Satallite dual power compact, 2x65 watts
  13. squirreloso

    pic of my lil ponies

    my pony pair are doing well. hair algae is used as a natural filter, i trim it down once a week and clean off the ornaments. tank is bare bottom with about 6 lbs of live rock underneath all that hair algae downside to all the algae is my red macro got smothered :( but oh well, as long as the...
  14. squirreloso

    worried about temp

    Originally Posted by tomtoothdoc thank you for the compliments and the info. now i know they're kudas, are there anything different i need to temp (about 76-78), salinity(1.024), food (frozen enriched mysis 2-3 times a day and enriched live brine once/twice a week in addition to...
  15. squirreloso

    worried about temp

  16. squirreloso

    worried about temp

    yeah it does look like kuda, their just way to nice to be kellogi. thats a very nice setup that frogfish is adorable!!
  17. squirreloso

    worried about temp

    wow those are hot looking kellogi's they dont look like kellogi to me, but im not a seahorse expert your coral banded shrimp is ok with them? i had a pyscho one that killed several fish right in front of my eyes in my small nano cube, she was pretty gruesome. i gave her away to someone...
  18. squirreloso

    worried about temp

    Originally Posted by Rykna Well, the dwarf seahorses I got from Luke are almost 2 years old now. yeah but these arent dwarf's, their kellogi, the seahorse known to have the shortest survival rate. i knew this before i bought them, but hey ya never know, ive read lots of stuff on the internet...
  19. squirreloso

    worried about temp

    you mean those little polka dots everything checks in at zero. phosphates however, well theres no true phosphate test out there, its one of the hardest things to test for which is why i dont bother. the hair algae should be soaking it up like a sponge, either way this isnt anyting to fret...
  20. squirreloso

    worried about temp

    just took a few quick pics :)