Search results

  1. carpe diem

    ETS Skimmers

    Originally posted by Y2J: What size is your tank? Reef or fish only? I run a 55 gallon semi-reef with a cpr Bak Pak II Skimmer. Does a great job. I am setting up a 135 gal reef. I have heard a lot about the Bak Paks, but they are too small for the job. I have heard nothing about CPR's other...
  2. carpe diem

    ETS Skimmers

    Does anyone have an ETS Skimmer? Would you recommend one to someone else? Are they worth the money? Please let me know. I have heard good things about them, but they are very expensive.
  3. carpe diem

    Protein skimmers

    I am seeking reviews on proteins skimmers for a 125 reef tank. What are the best skimmers on the market? Cost is not an issue, I am tired of paying for a cheaper product and finding out that it really is cheaper!!