ETS Skimmers

carpe diem

New Member
Does anyone have an ETS Skimmer? Would you recommend one to someone else? Are they worth the money? Please let me know. I have heard good things about them, but they are very expensive.


What size is your tank? Reef or fish only? I run a 55 gallon semi-reef with a cpr Bak Pak II Skimmer. Does a great job.

carpe diem

New Member

Originally posted by Y2J:
What size is your tank? Reef or fish only? I run a 55 gallon semi-reef with a cpr Bak Pak II Skimmer. Does a great job.

I am setting up a 135 gal reef. I have heard a lot about the Bak Paks, but they are too small for the job. I have heard nothing about CPR's other larger skimmers.


New Member
I know nothing about the skimmer you are asking about, however i will give you my two cents worth on what i like and dislike. I have used a couple different skimmers now, and I do not like the SeaClone skimmers. Hard to control and do not seem to work well. I totally dig my Tunze skimmer. They are a little more expensive than most, but everything i read about them supports thir price. Also, first hand experience is excellent. Anyway, you may not have wanted these comments, but now you have them! Good luck!