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  1. harm89

    DIY TANK ?'s

    Can anyone help me out here? I want to make my own tank, how would I go about doing so? What do I need? The tank size is a 180gal or a 220gal. Thanks for any info. :D
  2. harm89

    Purple Tang W/Ich Hospital Tank ??

    Try to use a plastic bowl of some sort, do not use a net you can hurt the fish. But make sure the plastic piece you use is big enough & long enough!!!! :D
  3. harm89

    Purple Tang W/Ich Hospital Tank ??

    Yes, all fish have to go into the Q-tank & you should not have a base, just a bare tank. You could use a hang on filter, use a poly filter instead of a carbon & test the PH often you should be fine. Hope everything works out for you!!!! If you are still unsure? Do a search on HYPOSALINITY it...
  4. harm89

    Terry or Beth pls read ...

    Here is a site that helped me out w/my purple He has been in there for 2 1/2 weeks & he is fine so far, he has 2 1/2 weeks left. I hope it help's!! :D :D
  5. harm89

    New tank/Q-tank/Stupid questions?

    Thank's to everyone who responded, your info will help!! I will definetly Qtank every fish I purchase!!!!! :D
  6. harm89

    New tank/Q-tank/Stupid questions?

    Mr.tang I lost a tank to ICK & I did'nt want it to happen again, so I asked a few of the guy's at the lfs what it is that they do. They told me to Qtank them, & that's what they did. I am doing so to my purple tang cause he had a small case of Ick when I got him. Other than that I have never...
  7. harm89

    New tank/Q-tank/Stupid questions?

    Lets have a 180/200gl tank. You run a good cycle w/ a few damsels, let it age a couple months, add just enough lr/ls in it, buy all the right filters, and equipment needed and so on and so on. Then after all that, you start buying fish,about 2-4 weeks apart or more, quarantine them for...
  8. harm89

    Terry I have a ??

    I've been successful useing a piece of tupper ware (according to fish's size) Just lure him in there & viola!!!!!
  9. harm89


    Here's some info that might help you!!! <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Hope this helps. :)
  10. harm89

    Terry B, Beth, Anyone, please help!!!!!

    Yesterday my salinity was 1.018 & I dropped It to 1.016 this morning, Then again this afternoon to 1.014. Tomorrow morning I will drop It to 1.012 & in the afternoon to 1.009 & keep It there for the 3 weeks. I also went out to get a couple of poly filters, I set one up & It turned blue, I'm...
  11. harm89


    Thank's to everone, your advice was a great help. I took two of the tangs back to the store & I'm only keeping one, yes I know the 90g is still to small for him, but he's not to big & I'm looking for a 180/200g as a new home for him. THANK'S AGAIN TO EVERONE...
  12. harm89

    Terry B, Beth, Anyone, please help!!!!!

    Terry, once again thank you for your help!!!! I was up waiting for a fast reply last night from anyone, nothing happend so I did alot of reading here on the site. I did alot of reading on the Qtank, I learned I was doing everything wrong. Her's what's going on now, I took the Qtank & put fresh...
  13. harm89

    Terry B, Beth, Anyone, please help!!!!!

    HELP! My ammonia level just tested to over 0.8, my nitrite @ 0.2, ph @ 7.8 - 8.0 & nitrate @ 0.0. My main tank tested good on everything. I cannot treat the main because I have ls & lr. In the Qtank, I use a filter w/ no cartridges/carbon. This is what they recommended @ the lfs. So basically...
  14. harm89

    Considerations for a future fishy

    Hello there Steve! Well, I'm new to the game too, but I've had enough screw ups w/ fish to tell you that the yellow tang is defenitely the LAST fish you need to add to your tank cause they are very a domineering(like my wife) and might kill your new comers. They are pretty, but won't accept any...
  15. harm89


    Here's what's going on...I cycled my tank w/ 4 damsels for 5 weeks. then I added the powder brown, two weeks later I got the trigger for x-mas and yesterday I got the 3 red sea purple tangs. That's all that's going in there till I get a MUCH larger tank. Was that still too much too fast? I know...
  16. harm89

    Terry B, Beth, Anyone, please help!!!!!

    Hey what's up? I have a couple of ???'s I have a hospital tank & I want to know if im doing the set up right. I just got a red sea purple tang & I noticed spots on him so I put him in the hospital tank. It's a 20g tank with a crushed coral base. My water temp is 80, my salinity is @ 1.019 this...
  17. harm89


    Dear Fellow Hobbiest...I Have a BIG problem! I started up a 90gl tank about 8 months ago. Well, I read up on stuff, asked for advice and made a few calls. I bought test kits and hydrometers, filters and thermometers and it still failed! Here's the thing...I have a Mag350, a Emp400,80lb of ls &...
  18. harm89

    Clear water

    Can someone please help? I have a 90gl tank,and I can't seem to get my water to clear up and my tank has been set up for about 3-4 mos. I have crushed coral mixed with black gravel as a base. I have an Emp400 and a Mag350. I have 20lbs of live rock,8 fish: 4 clowns,2 tangs,1 wrasse & 2 damsels...