Considerations for a future fishy


New Member
Hello there, I just registered onto this web site and I think it's wonderful! I currently have a yellow tail damsel, a clown fish, and a false eye puffer in my 55 gal tank. My question: I am considering a yellow tang or a threadfin butterfly for my second to last fish (for my last fish I want a flame angel). My tank has been set up for almost 2 years, and I feel like I am finally ready for another fish. Please let me know what you think and/or if these are good choices. Thanx!!


New Member
Hello there Steve! Well, I'm new to the game too, but I've had enough screw ups w/ fish to tell you that the yellow tang is defenitely the LAST fish you need to add to your tank cause they are very a domineering(like my wife) and might kill your new comers. They are pretty, but won't accept any fish added after them or so I here. As far as the butterfly goes..he is also beautiful but VERY high maintenance(also like my wife).I have a friend that has gone through about 10 butterflies and HE'S a PRO! Just get more advice! Don't rush yourself like I have! Hope I helped! GOOD LUCK!


Active Member
i'd say an angel(if you are considering the singapore, black velvet, or blue spotted angels) the tangs and other angels really should have a 75 gallon or larger tank, ,this is also partly depending on what type of clown you have, (assuming it is only a 3 inch clown), and also assuming you have nothing in the tank which could be a problem for an angel
oops, you said butterfly, my mistake, but he should be ok for size too( a threadfin, that is), and again this is depending on your tank set up, for they are not reef safe
HTH and welcome aboard