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  1. discplaya

    Possible Dying Goby please Help ASAP!!

    I just purchased a Diamond Goby this evening and immediately after acclimating him he began "dancing" around the tank as though it had completely forgotten how to swim. Is this normal behavior of a stressed sleeper goby or is he probably not gonna make it?? Please Help!!
  2. discplaya

    Sick Black tip starfish...Help!!

    My tank's been up for about 2 years now. Its long since been cycled and its inhabitants appear quite happy. Except for the starfish of course. I did perform a treatment several months ago. But it did not contain any copper. My LFS told be to toss the starfish since it was most likely dying. I'm...
  3. discplaya

    Sick Black tip starfish...Help!!

    I picked up a black tip starfish yesterday. A couple hours after acclimating him, it made a nice home for itself on the side of the tank as opposed to just laying on the bottom. This morning one of his legs loked a bit limp as it the rest of it was clung to th glass. Now it seems like its slime...
  4. discplaya

    powder brown tang

    Any chance you're willing to ship. He'd make a great addition to my tank, but Unfortunately I live about 2 and a half hours away in north Jersey. The cost of gas to and fro would probably be more than the shipping. Let me know what you think. Rich
  5. discplaya

    $10 Coral Frags SPS, LPS

    Payment sent!! Please check the attatched message. Thanks, Rich
  6. discplaya

    $10 Coral Frags SPS, LPS

    How much would it be for 2 orange monti caps shipped to 07044?? Can send payment Immediately!!
  7. discplaya

    Sick fish need help ASAP!!

    The Live rock was cured before I purchased it. As far as the water quality is concerned. My Ph is about 8.1, Nitrites are just a litter over 0ppm. The same applies for the Ammonia. My salinity is at 1.024. The onlythinkg that is still a little high is my nitrates which are still hovering at...
  8. discplaya

    Sick fish need help ASAP!!

    My girlfriend bough a pink square anthias from a LFS about a week ago. Since then I haven't noticed it eating at all. It would constantly be scratching itself up on my live rock. ( About 20lbs of Live rock was added to the tank during this time frame.) Yesterday I noticed a patch of dark raised...
  9. discplaya

    WTS 75 Gallons of FISH!!!

    Where are you located??
  10. discplaya

    Mean- Damsel fish!!!!

    The only surviving newcomer is the copperband butterfly, he's essentailly been made to sit in the corner. Luckily, I'm setting up a new tank for my brother's apartment this week. He'll be getting a nice donation of starter fish . This may leave my tank relatively empty for a while, but at least...
  11. discplaya

    Mean- Damsel fish!!!!

    Anybody know of an addative or supplement I can use to help heal the raccoon butterfly. Its got what looks like road rash on both its sides.
  12. discplaya

    Mean- Damsel fish!!!!

    [hr] killed the perc clown which was almost twice his size.
  13. discplaya

    Mean- Damsel fish!!!!

    I've had a bunch of damsels in my tank since I started it up about 5 months ago. They've lived fine with my snowflake eel, perc clown and hermits for all this time. Last night I introduced some new fish to the tank. A small raccoon butterfly, 2 cleaner wrasse, another perc clown, and a...
  14. discplaya

    Sick damselfish!!

    90 gal
  15. discplaya

    Sick damselfish!!

    I wish. All I added to the tank was 2 cleaner wrasse, 1 perc clown, and a copperband butterfly. none of which are aggressive. If anything the damsels are being aggressive towards the butterfly. Here's something new. the 2 cleaner wrasses have apparently disapeared over night. I ean they are...
  16. discplaya

    Sick damselfish!!

    I just added new fish to my tank this morning. I just noticed this evening that one of the blue devil damsels I've had in the tank for months, has what looks like a pinkish sore above its upper lip. At first I thaught it had a large peice of food in its mouth but upon closer inspection its...
  17. discplaya

    Purple Tang

  18. discplaya

    Live rock for sale germantown Ohio

    Are you willing to separate the rock. Perhaps sell 50lbs. If so how much shipped to 07044
  19. discplaya

    North Jersey Needs Live rock!!!

    I'm more or less interested in paying about $3.00/lb My only problem is that with my work schedule, I can't really find the time to make more than an hour drive each way.
  20. discplaya

    Livestock sale

    Are you willing to ship the live rock? I think I've asked you this in inother thread, but its impossible for me to make time for the 3 hour drive.