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  1. netopr

    Hobbyists beware with hermits!

    Hobbyists beware with red hermit crabs because they love to eat coraline! I have a nano tank, a 10 galon and I have 4 red hermit crabs. The tank had coraline untill I added these hermits. I thought at first that it was my water parameters that killed my coraline...... but today I added a...
  2. netopr

    Yikes, no power for 3 days!

    calm down. He is probably in the bathroom
  3. netopr

    tank pics

    wow, nice coraline! do you use any products for the coraline?
  4. netopr

    Finally some pics of the home 46'er

    nice sand, what kind ?
  5. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

    well no, I haven't brushed them. Also I am not using any Cal reactor,Kalk, 2 part
  6. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

    well yeah i am pretty sure that its gone away since the rock looks tan not white. I think those hermits are eating it. I will boil them up jaja j/k I also had alot of hair algae, and I removed with a toothbrush. Now there are some purple shadows around the rock. Well see
  7. netopr

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    what about the lights? what kind of lights does the tank has? If they are power compact, they would need to be changed each year.
  8. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

    the tank has been running since December 2007 and I am using instant ocean salt .
  9. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

    nop, no urchins water parameters: calcium: 450 Alk: 12 ph: 8.2 amonia and nitrite: 0 nitrate: 15 copper:0 there is 1 yellow watchman goby.
  10. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

  11. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

    BTW I have 3 hermit crabs that where eating on those rocks all day. But I never heard of hermits eating coraline?
  12. netopr

    Introduced coraline rock, now gone!

    Hi all, I introduced a couple of polyp corals around 2 days ago and their rocks was covered in purple coraline. Today, there is no coraline at all. I dont know what happened, I have 5 watts per galon and my water parameters are fine calcium/alk/ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/PH. I even use RO water...
  13. netopr

    29 gallon Reef

    Yeah, get some t5 atnics lights =)
  14. netopr

    I have some new Rock, now what??

    If you don't really want to cure it, then boil it to make sure everything is dead...... It will eventually become live though
  15. netopr

    Mooving out of Country! HELP

    here are some pics, I will get a bigger fish tank soon at least a 30 galon. This is temporary
  16. netopr

    Mooving out of Country! HELP

    so its been almost a month and the fishes are doing great
  17. netopr

    5.5 galon help with lights

    well, I bought an odyssea 24w fixture for very cheap. Around 40 dollars Lets see how it does with softies.
  18. netopr

    5.5 galon help with lights

    Hi, I have a 29galon and i am setting up another 5.5 reef aquarium on another room of the house. I was wondering if anybody knows what lights will be good to keep some softies ? I was looking for power compacts. The measurements of the tank is 16" long and 8.5" wide thanks in advance
  19. netopr

    Mooving out of Country! HELP

    well, the shipment went well, They arrived 24 hours later I sent them, all live I didnt use pure oxygen though
  20. netopr

    Copper Safe Invertebrates

    Originally Posted by turtlegirl933 No invert I know of can tolerate any copper. In my personal opinion I don't think thats true at all. On my last tank I had a coral banded shrimp, 2 serpent starfish, 1 brittle starfish, around 20 hermit crabs, an emerald crab, corals and feather dusters with...