I have some new Rock, now what??


One of my friends had about 20lbs of rock he had sitting in his garage for months and he gave me the bucket. The rock was live at one time (there full of colors) but it's all surely dead, it's been sitting dry for months now, if i wash the rock good as well as scrub it well, would i be able to but the rock in my tank or do i need to cure it? if so how?


Active Member
you prob could just wash it and add, but if it were me, I would cure it a few weeks in a rubber tub. Just fill with water from a water change, add a power head and heater, and let it go for a few weeks. Keep an eye on the water in the tub, and change when needed.


If you don't really want to cure it, then boil it to make sure everything is dead...... It will eventually become live though


Although the rock is dead and does not need to be cured, it would not hurt to add it to a bucket of water and test the water after a week or so just to be certain that it is not leeching anything back into the water. Do you have a copper test kit?