Search results

  1. regaltanglady

    algae,cleaner shrimp,mandarin goby

    A few questions, my tank has been established for almost a year now. (although I moved the tank 4 months ago so does that still count?) *There is a carpet like growth of dark green algae on the sand, with bits of brown and now streaks of bright orange. I want to know if this is beneficial or if...
  2. regaltanglady

    True Perc vs. False Perc

    Noobie question: What is the difference (size, behavior etc.) between the True Percula Clownfish and the False Percula Clownfish? I know the "true" one costs more lol. Oh and what about the black and white ones? Color the only difference? thanks
  3. regaltanglady

    6 mo. old tank-moving this month! help...

    Originally Posted by uberlink Great point. See if your LFS will give you some credit to come back and get two better fish after things have settled down.'s only a matter of time before those little guys become ill in that setup. 75 gallons is the bear minimum for a single tang...
  4. regaltanglady

    6 mo. old tank-moving this month! help...

    This is my first saltwater tank so I am trying to do everything the right way. This tank has only been established for 6 months now & I have to move! But I signed a 1 year lease & I intend to stay longer than that. do I go about moving my tank? (I am moving about 30 min. from my...
  5. regaltanglady

    Noob here...

    water parameters: Age of tank: 4 months SG 1.025 pH 7.9 (a little low) Ammonia:0.25 mg/L Nitrite: <0.3 mg/L Water change schedule: I need to do a water change...and scrub the rocks I suppose... Feeding: one frozen food cube everyday Went to my local fish store bought 10 more nassarius snails...
  6. regaltanglady

    Noob here...

    Well this is my first saltwater tank its about 4 months old and been through the algae bloom but this reddish-brown algae (some parts have bubbles) keeps coming back. Its even in the sand =/ I want to buy 10 blue leg hermits on this site and a fighting conch to aid in the fight against this...