Noob here...


New Member
Well this is my first saltwater tank its about 4 months old and been through the algae bloom but this reddish-brown algae (some parts have bubbles) keeps coming back. Its even in the sand =/
I want to buy 10 blue leg hermits on this site
and a fighting conch to aid in the fight against this brown algae...
34 gal red sea max:
15 red leg hermits
2 turbo snails (3 died and the hermits took their shells =/
5 nassarius snail
6 green chromis
1 2" blue tang
1 bicolor pseudo
2 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 urchin
1 trumpet coral
1 hammer coral
Also, just now my pseudo ate a second cleaner shrimp! I have had the pseudo for a few months now and this is a recent occurrence. Does he require a meatier diet or has he developed a taste for shrimp?!
Any advice?


shut off you lights for three days. this cleared up the algae bloom in my tank and my corals and fish did just fine with it.


Active Member
You may have cyno, look up red slime or cynobacteria. Can you blow it off. if so it is the cyno and there is lots of threads on it. None of the cleanup crew will eat it. You'll have to find the cause, which is pretty much with any problem anyway. List you water parementers(actual numbers). Age of tank, Light, how often and what you feed, Filtration and GPH. This may help someone help you a little more.


Nice buy with the RED SEA.Congrats! I am SOO jealous. I wish they had it when I got my nano. Add some flow. The conch will not do much and the tank is too small. Forget the hermits, they dont do much of anything but fight over shells. Get nassarius snails. They are the best, imo. Astrea snails, and turbo grazers also will help. With time and a shortened photperiodicity, the cyano will go away. Also, scrub the rocks, and then suck the cyano out while doing a water change and that will help. a meatier diet for the pseudo may help, but did you SEE it KILL the cleaner? Post some pics of the tank will ya?


Active Member
Welcome to the forums.
Post some more information and we'll be happy to help ya out.
First off, it appears your tank is overstocked. Please post your water parameters:
Salinity, lighting, water change schedule, pH, etc.


New Member
water parameters:
Age of tank: 4 months
SG 1.025
pH 7.9 (a little low)
Ammonia:0.25 mg/L
Nitrite: <0.3 mg/L
Water change schedule: I need to do a water change...and scrub the rocks I suppose...
Feeding: one frozen food cube everyday
Went to my local fish store bought 10 more nassarius snails.
Also bought this powder stuff to kill the cyano.
Changed the lighting from 9 hrs a day to 7.
As for the Pseudo yes, sadly I witnessed him kill the cleaner shrimp, he started by nipping the little swimmer feet until they were all gone and the shrimp was curled up =( the snails ate the remainder...They said I could give the Pseudo a time out in a little net for a week, and make sure he is always full thereafter. Maybe I should just get rid of him?
I'll post some pics later...
Anything else?


Try getting some phosphate re-mover (phos-ban). That might help with the blooms. Also, maybe cut back on the feedings, too much food can kill. Give it a good cleaning and stay on top of it, the stuffs a pain, I know. As far as the Pseudo, had to get rid of mine. He went after everything I put in my tank. Good luck.


Originally Posted by RegalTangLady
water parameters:
Age of tank: 4 months
SG 1.025
pH 7.9 (a little low)
Ammonia:0.25 mg/L
Nitrite: <0.3 mg/L
Water change schedule: I need to do a water change...and scrub the rocks I suppose...
Feeding: one frozen food cube everyday
Went to my local fish store bought 10 more nassarius snails.
Also bought this powder stuff to kill the cyano.
Changed the lighting from 9 hrs a day to 7.
As for the Pseudo yes, sadly I witnessed him kill the cleaner shrimp, he started by nipping the little swimmer feet until they were all gone and the shrimp was curled up =( the snails ate the remainder...They said I could give the Pseudo a time out in a little net for a week, and make sure he is always full thereafter. Maybe I should just get rid of him?
I'll post some pics later...
Anything else?
It appears you might be going the a mini-cycle. Your ammonia and Nitrite should be zero. Also your PH is needs to be raise to 8.1 to 8.3. Are you useing tap water? If so test your tap before you use it. It might be the whole cause of the outbreak. Has anything else died in it that you do not know about?


I actually have a very similar setup (34g Red Sea Max) and about the same age since set-up and am experiencing the same cyano. I can attest (thanks to the recommendations by others on this bb) that limiting the light will make a big difference on the cyano. I have reduced my lighting to ~7hrs each day (2:00pm to 9:00pm) and in only one week, the cyano is MUCH LESS visible. I also clean the rocks weekly at each 10% water change. A turkey baster works well for sucking this stuff up. I have many crabs and they do wonders on the hair algae, but won't touch the cyano. Interstingly enough, some of my fish actually rub on the cyano helping to scrape it off the LR.