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  1. irishfan

    Need help with rock

    I was windering if anyone could tell me of a good place online to find nano rock, that may or may not also supply live sand? I would like to order both from the same place. Thanks for your time in advance.
  2. irishfan

    Cloudy Water!

    Yes, its a brand new bag of salt I bought it last week, I am using RO water and I have not put any sand in the tank yet, was waiting for the water to clear up.
  3. irishfan

    Cloudy Water!

    I have just started a 12 gallon nano cube, and for some reason the water is cloudy. The tank literaly has nothing in it. I used RO water that I made myself with a new system, then dechlorinated it. The only thing I add to the water were reef crystals till the salinity was correct. I have no...
  4. irishfan

    Another cycle question

    Thanks for the help.
  5. irishfan

    Another cycle question

    My nitrites and nitrates finally spiked about a week and a half ago and have not gone back down yet. I was wandering if anyone could tell me how long it usually takes for them to drop back to normal?
  6. irishfan

    LFS in Ohio

    Does anyone know of any good lfs in or around Columbus, Ohio? Please let me know if you do, thanks.
  7. irishfan

    What fish to get?

    I have a 30 gal. and was wondering how many and what type of fish to get. Any ideas would be greatly apprecciated.
  8. irishfan

    New tank and have questions

    Thanks for the info
  9. irishfan

    New tank and have questions

    I just recently started a salwater tank and have never tried this before. I just began cycling my tank with 3 damsels and have noticed that the water seems a little cloudy and wondered what should I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.