Cloudy Water!


New Member
I have just started a 12 gallon nano cube, and for some reason the water is cloudy. The tank literaly has nothing in it. I used RO water that I made myself with a new system, then dechlorinated it. The only thing I add to the water were reef crystals till the salinity was correct. I have no idea what to do I tested the water and all levels tested at zero, as they should be since there is nothing in the tank. I have no idea what the problem is, the tank has been running empty for about 4 days. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


In addition to the above post...did you put sand in it? If so, did you rinse the sand good until the water in the bucket was clear?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by irishfan
I have just started a 12 gallon nano cube, and for some reason the water is cloudy. The tank literaly has nothing in it. I used RO water that I made myself with a new system, then dechlorinated it. The only thing I add to the water were reef crystals till the salinity was correct. I have no idea what to do I tested the water and all levels tested at zero, as they should be since there is nothing in the tank. I have no idea what the problem is, the tank has been running empty for about 4 days. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Sounds like you are using tap water...
RO (reverse osmoses) water is best..tap has more chemicals in it than just the chlorine.
Wait 24 hours and see if the tank clears. When I first mix my salt...the water is cloudy. For right now put a power head in the tank to keep the salt stirred until it desolves. If I am right, by morning it should be cleared.
Keep us posted..


New Member
Yes, its a brand new bag of salt I bought it last week, I am using RO water and I have not put any sand in the tank yet, was waiting for the water to clear up.