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  1. matthrushford

    Haitian Anemone

    Why Would The Tang Be A Problem?
  2. matthrushford

    Haitian Anemone

    I have a 29g nano cube my anemone seems like it is getting bigger. The tang and the clownfish dont swim anywhere near it. Does this seem like it should be a problem? If so i can give it to my LFS if it is.
  3. matthrushford

    Need Help!! Anybody W/ Knoweledge

    Yes i googled it. That is exactly what they are. I probably have three or four. Where did they come from and are they bad? also thanks everyone for answering my other questions.
  4. matthrushford

    Need Help!! Anybody W/ Knoweledge

    So my tank has been up for about 6 months. I have a reef tank w/ live sand and live rock. I noticed that under the cave there are these mini shrimp looking things swimming around. they are the size of ants. Not sure what they are. Also now appearing are some sort of snails that have a smooth...
  5. matthrushford

    Anemone Question!

    it moved into the cave while doing this
  6. matthrushford

    Is This Bad???

    that pic which they attached the link to is exactly what i have in there. so is it necessarily a bad thing?
  7. matthrushford

    Anemone Question!

    It Has Some Stringy Stuff Coming Out Of The Center. What Is This?
  8. matthrushford

    Is This Bad???

    On My Glass There Is 1 Worm. It Is The Size Of A Co-pod Also Other White Specs That Look Like Copods But Resemble Spiders Also In My Live Rock I Seen Some Kind Of Small Black Snail Moving Around In One Of The Holes. Are Any Of These Things Anything To Worry About?
  9. matthrushford


    i want to clean the algae off of my 24g nano. when using the magnet will this kill the pods that are living on the glass?
  10. matthrushford

    Important Question

    I HAVE MY TANK ESTABLISHED. IT IS 30 NANO G 30lbs of live rock 20 lbs of live sand i want to add gradually but only 3 fish i want to add a small perc clown 1 yellow tang 1 flame angel and that will be it. the tang will be small and w/in a year i will get a bigger tank to put the tang in. Should...
  11. matthrushford

    Question About Corals

    when i bought a frag/polyps it was on the white circular disc. do they have to stay on the circle or can i remove them and put them on the live rock?
  12. matthrushford

    Okay Here It Is....

    Is it bad to have 3 feather dusters in a 29?
  13. matthrushford

    Okay Here It Is....

    this is what i am going to start w/ to be safe. any final opinions feel free. thanks 24g nano cube 20lbs of sand 30 lbs of live rock 10 hermits 10 turbos yellow gorgonian 3 feather dusters
  14. matthrushford

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    so remove the bio balls, the rings, and carbon bag then put what two things in?
  15. matthrushford

    1 More Question

    question i read and the only maintenance there is to do is replace the bio balls and carbon monthly. other people said to remove that and put crushed live rock instead? not sure what to do.
  16. matthrushford

    I Need Your Input On My Stock List

    so after the shrimp i can add the feather dusters and gorgonians? then how long to wait until i can put some frags in?
  17. matthrushford

    1 More Question

  18. matthrushford

    I Need Your Input On My Stock List

    this is my list that i eventually want to get. my tank is new basically what i am asking what should i add to my tank first off my list? and when. thanks
  19. matthrushford

    I Need Your Input On My Stock List

    Okay for my 24g nano cube 20 lbs of live sand 30 lbs of live rock i like the following for my tank. Tell me what ones that you don't recommend and also what ones you think are way too hard for a beginner to start off w/ .... Florida condi anemone pink tip haitian anemone (not sure which one is...
  20. matthrushford

    1 More Question

    okay so i have everything up and running in my 24g nano 20 lbs of live sand about 30lbs of live rock do i need to keep my bioballs, ceramic rings or the blue sponges in the tank? and if i do will it hurt?