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  1. newton

    Does this fish have enough to eat? might be really useful to you!
  2. newton

    Just saw this bumber sticker!!!

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW The bumper sticker read, "The Germans supported their troops also.". Not sure how I feel about that one., I actually got mad and had thoughts of driving my truck over their little Hybrid. To equate our troops to the SS and Nazis of world war 11 and say the...
  3. newton

    Need a Jawfish Expert!

    Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22 Yeah, post the link when you get it started. Well, bad news. I was on here trying to do a little research on the jawfish that I bought, while he was acclimating in the other room. I went back in the room an hour later and didnt see him in the bucket. Turns...
  4. newton

    Need help- Stock list for a 175 -?

    Assuming I'm reading dimensions right, that's 72x18x29, or 37584 cubic inches, or 163 gallons. How do you guys like the shape of the tank? Seems like its weirdly long for that height/width, any pics would be awesome. (not intended to derail the thread...) Queen Angelfish is definitely pretty...
  5. newton

    Active fish for rocks?

    Originally Posted by Anonome So I am thinking this will be a fish only tank? The elibi is a gorgeous fish, but not reef safe. The six line is a great darting type of fish. Any of the wrasse family fish would complement this tank. But of course, when the tank is matured. See, this is where I...
  6. newton

    Active fish for rocks?

    Originally Posted by rcoultas Although I believe your tank is too new to be adding more fish right now.... after you have given it a chance to become seasoned then I would offer this suggestion... In one of my tanks I have a six line wrasse and a flame angel and they are none stop in and out and...
  7. newton

    Active fish for rocks?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Hey newton, welcome to the boards How long ago did you start this tank? Chromis are okay, but they fight until there is only one left unless you have a group of six or more. Please tell us all about your tank. I started the tank about a month ago, added the...
  8. newton

    Active fish for rocks?

    Hey all, I've just started my marine tank (38 gallons, 30 lbs of live rock and growing), and I've got a couple green chromis in there right now. As the tank develops, I want to eventually add a fish that will be fun to watch moving around in the rock, darting between caves and such. I'm...