im sure ill be posting allot more questions, im gonna put together a sump this weekend, then i need to buy a skimmer and pump, could use reccomendation on those.
thanks, any pics of it all plumbed up? Im going to build one this weekend, brought my tank and stand outta storage for the first time in 5 years, im really excited, now i just need a sump, a skimmer, a pump and a million other things!
simple enough, So i could start with a small glass aquarium and use some acrylic sheets from lowes, they look to be caulked inplace? thanks, it really helps to see pictures.
im I have a 75g tank that im going to be starting a fowlr setup soon. wanna use a 20 gallon sump to house my skimmer and my heater. Ive seen plenty of diagrams and pictures on here. Is a refugium neccesary? how is the size of the baffles determined. if no refugium is used, are they even neccesary?
interesting, i have always read that the triggers will tend to nip at the lions fins. Of course, that dosnt mean its true. What else do you have in yours?
I have a 75 gallon tank with a 15 gallon sump. Been reading and researching quite a while now and am getting ready to get this thing rolling. I just need to make a selection on fish that are compatible. I love lions and i love triggers, but i know they dont get along. So its one or the other...