Fish selection for aggressive FOWLR


New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank with a 15 gallon sump. Been reading and researching quite a while now and am getting ready to get this thing rolling. I just need to make a selection on fish that are compatible. I love lions and i love triggers, but i know they dont get along. So its one or the other. What are compatible with either of those? Just need some ideas. thanks


Active Member
lion and a trigger r ok. i hv a lion w a clown trigger along w an eel and a few other big fish in my 150. dont see a problem.


New Member
interesting, i have always read that the triggers will tend to nip at the lions fins. Of course, that dosnt mean its true. What else do you have in yours?


I have a Lion and Picasso Trigger together. Only time that the trigger bothers my Lion is when its feeding time, and its more agitation than anything. The picasso just wants to eat


There are success stories for all situations, but the reputation for Lions and Triggers not getting along exists for a reason.
You'd probably be better off with a Lion in any case because 75 is not a big enough tank to keep a Trigger long-term. Triggers are big-time swimmers and get very large.


Active Member
Many triggers are the "Jekyll and Hyde's" of saltwater fish. Things go wonderfully, and then one day they can just snap. Read around - you'll find plenty instances of this happening. There are a few species that are less of a problem, but choose your fish carefully.