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  1. osakamy

    original lights

    For all the light, nothing better than mh light. I used to use the 10,000k and 20,000k light but the coral bloom are limited but when you use mh the coral look so beautiful. If you intend to take reef tank only, I think metal halide worth to invest in.
  2. osakamy

    who will win the 2002 world cup?

    I think u people out there like football beside rearing fish.Give some opinion who will win The 2002 World Cup??????
  3. osakamy

    bio-ball (Good or bad)

    Does bio balls bring good effect on the filteration? It seem that alot of people out there does not like them very much? Can you people tell me the different? thank you.
  4. osakamy


    is the metal halide sell in lighting shop same with the one we use in aquariun. i did so survey and the metal halide hook is same but the bulb is not same. any suggestion so we can get a cheaper metal halide.
  5. osakamy


    he is dying.................
  6. osakamy

    Okay, I did some research, but Im still confused.

    this depend on what you want your tank to be. If is a reef tank the more light is better. Metal halide is the best but it will make the water temp.go higher.
  7. osakamy

    Mushrooms Color fading

    i had the same problem like you but when i change my light to high,the guys gain their colour back
  8. osakamy

    how to feed sun coral???

    anybody out there know how to feed sun coral? they said that you have to put a piece of shrimp at their mouth but they don't open at all and when they do open, you move the food near their mouth they will close.please help??
  9. osakamy

    3 powerheads where should i put them

    put the big one at the top and direct the flow to the surface. the small one you put one at the middle and the other at the bottom but be careful if you keep anemone. the middle pump direct the flow to the glass to keep the flow even.hope this help
  10. osakamy

    Long Tentacle Elegance coral

    what kind of light do you have? i seem that they need a lot of light to survive. My one did very good when i replace my lighting. Hope this help.
  11. osakamy

    nitrate problem

    you should have some plant or if possible get a denitrator or you can built one. i am currently testing an eheim filter that i have already convert to a denitrator and waiting for the result coz' only the nature can help this. hope it work!!!!!!!!!
  12. osakamy

    Canister Filter

    yes, canister filter can be convert into a denitrator to eliminate the no3 in the system. I trying to convert the thing right now and i don't if it's working. i need to wait and see and if i am success i will post in the next reply.
  13. osakamy

    Help! Newbie Tank Setup Questions

    take your time! buy what you think you need it. most of the time they just push you to buy everything. you need a skimmer,wet-dry filter,good lighting,two powerhead in the tank,test kit for nitrate,ph,no2,hydrometer,salt,live rock,chiller (if you stay in asia) and don't buy fluval filter but...
  14. osakamy

    Brown stuff?

    the most effective way to fight this is to change the water often and if this doesn't help you need to change the whole system again. hope this help.
  15. osakamy

    denitrator in eheim filter.

    Do anyone know how to convert eheim filter into a denitrator? I saw one before at a local store but the guy is charging very high price for the filter. I thought of making one myself as i kept coral only tank. Please share some into the quest for a perfect tank.Thank you :confused: