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  1. jojoandphia


    SO I ordered fish and watched the acclimation video, but I still have a quick question. IN the video its 5 of the same fish, if you ordered 3 different fish for the same tank do you acclimate them together for 3 hours or each seperate for 3 hours? Also got a scallop and starfish can they all...
  2. jojoandphia

    WTB 100+ gal. tank with extras WI

    I live right by the IL/WI border. Willing to travel a couple of hours. Looking for the whole set-up. Tank, stand, lights, fiters, skimmer. My wrasses and triggers have out grown there home.
  3. jojoandphia

    Redtail Tamarin Wrasse

    I was at the lfs yesterday and saw a Redtail Tamarin Wrasse and it was swimming at the top ofthe water and would stick his head above the water and it looked like it was spitting the water out. I know that they are jumpers and will burrow, but I have searched and seen nothing about spitting...
  4. jojoandphia

    Need help to decide what kind of clean up crew to get

    No I have live sand in the tank that has that stuff building up. Because of the sand I can't just siphon it out so should I try to grab it with my hand until I can get a crew? Or should I just move the sand over it? The sand bed is about 3 1/2 inches. I am not sure because all the things I...
  5. jojoandphia

    Need help to decide what kind of clean up crew to get

    Ok so this is a long one... I have a 55 gal tank that I have had for years with cc and bio-balls and I know that I need to change that to live sand so I got a new 29 gallon tank about 6 months ago and started it with live sand and live rock from my old tank. After about a month I got some new...
  6. jojoandphia

    All wrasse tank

    Well thanks, I have never had a problem with them and I was just wanting another something in the tank.
  7. jojoandphia

    All wrasse tank

    So I am wanting to change my current tank to an all wrasse tank, I currently have a 6 line and a mexican rock wrasse and 3 damsels. The rock wrasse is very agg. when feeding so I am wondering what other wrasse I can all I would really like to get a dragon wrasse, but I am concerned with the...
  8. jojoandphia

    getting a qt tank

    SO I got a 29 gallon qt tank and I am just wondering should I cycle it just like the first one or should I add some of the water and live rock from my existing tank? I have cc in the 55 gal so I got live sand for the new one and hope that I can cycle it and put the 2 wrasses and 3 damsels in the...
  9. jojoandphia

    Live sand question

    I have read the live sand threads and I was just wondering about something. Most of them say that you can use just a thin layer of live sand and you can just non-live sand for the rest and the non-live sand will become live sand because of the other live sand in the tank. So to the question...
  10. jojoandphia

    Does it matter what kind of Anthias

    I am thinking about getting some Anthias for my tank and I am wondering, because I see that they are schoolong fish and they should have one male and many females does it matter if I mix and match with the females? I wouldn't want my tank to only have one kind of fish in it. Also when they are...
  11. jojoandphia


    I was just looking at getting some Gorgonians for my tank and had a couple of questions. I was wondering when the listing says strong water flow how much is really needed? Also if I understand they really don't need much light? I am also thinking of getting some sponges and feather dusters...
  12. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Well thanks for the help. I guess it will be awhile before I order anything else. I don't want to loss another $100.
  13. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Maybe the problem is that I need to get a skimmer?
  14. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Yes. Should I buy some of that salt water from the stores for the next change?
  15. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Ammonia and nitrite and ph for sure, but I am not sure about the nitrate
  16. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Yes I got them from here so I added them one at a time after acclimation. I acclimated them seperately so it was in a span of about 8-9 hours. So just go to the lfs and get one at a time? Do you think a chromis would be better then a damsel?
  17. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Well I do water changes about every two weeks when there are fish in the tank. And I have had the water tested time and time again. There has never been a problem with that. Right now there are no fish so I haven't done a change for maybe 3 weeks. I keep hoping that things will get better...
  18. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Yes, maybe I just bought fish that were to fragile. I have no idea what to do at this point.
  19. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    Sorry I thought you ment something else. Anyway anyother thoughts on why they all die? I followed the acclimation process. Are there any fool proof fish out there?
  20. jojoandphia

    couple of questions

    How long would it take to turn into LS?