couple of questions


New Member
Yes I got them from here so I added them one at a time after acclimation. I acclimated them seperately so it was in a span of about 8-9 hours. So just go to the lfs and get one at a time? Do you think a chromis would be better then a damsel?


Active Member
And bingo was his name o
It has to be nitrate spike
You do salinity your self right?


Active Member
I think what happened is when you added the four fish the nitrate spiked.
Each fish brings with it waste and you have to feed them and that adds more waste.
The bio-filter can’t grow fast enough to clean all this waste so add one fish let it cycle to the new bio-load then add more.
And it is not hard to test your water your self I use API test.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JOJOANDPHIA
Yes. Should I buy some of that salt water from the stores for the next change?
No to the salt water,salt mix with RO/DI or distilled
Skimmer I would see how well you keep your water now that you have more info.


New Member
Well thanks for the help. I guess it will be awhile before I order anything else. I don't want to loss another $100.