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  1. pdkinder

    Biocube or Aquapod?

    Yes, I use the stock lighting. I have great luck with everything I have put into it. Just not the hard corals.
  2. pdkinder

    enough for mushrooms?

    Most mushroom corals do not require a lot of light. I have some growing in almost no light. I would definately give it a try since I think you will have good luck.
  3. pdkinder

    Biocube or Aquapod?

    If there is any question as to which nano system is the best, all I can say is that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are 2000 words worth: 29-Gal Oceanic Biocube (03/31/07) 29-Gal Oceanic Biocube (10/06/07) See my profile for fish and coral stocked in this tank.