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  1. regaltang3

    kluzenger wrasse

    it has lived on gold fish for 2.5 years with no problems
  2. regaltang3

    Huma and a blue throat

    i have a huma huma and clown trigger together and they do just fine,the blue throat is very docile and goo temperament
  3. regaltang3

    kluzenger wrasse

    anybody else have one and how aggressive is he in your tank,i have one in a 125 gallon and his diet consist of gold fish. i can tstick my hand in the tank without him trying to bite
  4. regaltang3

    shark for sale

    yes please show a picture and type please
  5. regaltang3

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    i have a niger trigger in my 90 gallon that very friendly and never had a problem, but in my 125 gallon i had one that was fed goldfish and is much more aggressive. what is his normal diet?