Huma and a blue throat


Does anyone keep these two triggers together. Tank is a 120 FO with lots of coral skeleton.
LFS says that I can if I introduce the Huma last or both together.
The other fish are a flame angel and a false percula clown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mdk16
Does anyone keep these two triggers together. Tank is a 120 FO with lots of coral skeleton.
LFS says that I can if I introduce the Huma last or both together.
The other fish are a flame angel and a false percula clown.
Excellent choice IMO, I am starting a new tank shortly and will be getting that combo. Male BlueThroat BTW. I would introduce together, or the Bluethroat (the less aggressive most likely) first.


i wouldn't put 2 triggers in a 120, unless you would go with the smallest and most docile: crosshatch, sargassum, blue throat. i've seen a lot of humu humus go postal by the way.


New Member
i have a huma huma and clown trigger together and they do just fine,the blue throat is very docile and goo temperament


Active Member
Originally Posted by Regaltang3
i have a huma huma and clown trigger together and they do just fine,the blue throat is very docile and goo temperament
You have two of the meanest triggers out there. Mixing fish is wierd, two mean fish, you might be ok, a nice fish and a mean one your looking for trouble.
I think you would be ok, if you tank was twice a large, but in a 120 it would be like sitting in a car for too long, they are gonna fight.


Blue throats are very docile compared to any other trigger. ADD HIM FIRST. Otherwise the huma will have a field day with him.