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  1. tangster

    Automatic Fish Feeder HELP!

    I am going out of town for 7days and I have no one to feed the fish. I want to get a automatic fish feeder so they do not starve. Does anyone know which one is the best? Thanks!
  2. tangster

    penguin bio filter

    I am having high nitrates and also I have 2 power heads for circulation. I was told the biowheels cause this and I was also told if you have sufficient amount of LR then a bio wheel is not needed. Is this true?
  3. tangster

    penguin bio filter

    I have a 75 gallon with 50# of live rock and it has been running for 3 yrs. Is it safe to get rid of the wet/dry filter and onlu run with a seaclone skimmer? Thanks
  4. tangster

    DSB and agronite gravel

    I have a 75 gallon with 50# of LR and agronite gravel. It has been running for three years now. I want to add a DSB. 1)Can I add the sand on top of the gravel? 2)Do I remove the gravel and add only sand. If so what is the best way to do this. Do I remove all the gravel at once and replace with...
  5. tangster

    Mandarin Goby?????????

    I have had my mandarin for about 2 yrs and he loves brine shrimp. I agree this might not be the case for everyone. "Everyone in this hobby will will have their own individual experience, that is what makes this hobby exciting"
  6. tangster

    Replace CC with southdown???

    I am thinking of replaceing my CC with southdown. I have a 75 gallon established tank with fish and live rock. What would be the easiest way to do this with out killing anything. Should I not remove all the CC and lay sand on top? PLEASE HELP!!
  7. tangster

    Coral banded shrimp PLEASE HELP!

    I just purchased a coral banded shrimp. The LFS said I could just put him in and not acclimate him since he is a hardy shrimp. I totally did not believe that so I acclimated him for 45 minutes. He jumped around the tank but now he is hiding under my LR. Could he be moulting or is he dying...
  8. tangster

    Is this to many fish for 75 gallon ?

    I have not purchased the yellow tang yet so I will not. I have had therest of the fish for over 2yrs and they have been very happy and healthy. I have also had my mandarin for over 2yrs and he is growing and very happy. Thanks for the advice and talking me out of another tang, it would have...
  9. tangster

    Is this to many fish for 75 gallon ?

    I have a 75 gallon with 45 lbs of LR. Is this to many fish for this size? If so what size tank should I have for this many fish? 4in hippo tang 4in purple tang 3in yellow tang 4in dragon goby 2in BiColor Blenny 1 1/2in Mandarin 2in lawnmower blenny
  10. tangster

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    From all of the suggestions, I think I will do the following. Cap off the UGF and leave it in. Enhance my clean up crew. Vacum the CC to get rid of some of the waste. Remove bio wheels. Do 10% water change ever 2 weeks. Can I put live sand layer on top of CC or will this cause more problems or...
  11. tangster

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    What if I remove my UGF and add sand on top of the CC will this work? If I purchase live sand can I add it directly to my tank with out any problems. What brand of live sand do you recommend?
  12. tangster

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    I feed my fish flake food in the morning and one frozen cube (size of a sugar cube) of brine shrimp at night. What is the best way to remove the UGF with out causing issues? Also is it necessary to vacum you r substrate. What are the best clean up crewa to get rid od ditrus?
  13. tangster

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    First off! I have had my mandarin for 2yrs and he is doing great. My biowheel does not have any media in it, just two biowheels. I have no clean up crews except for two turbo snails. Should I remove the UGF or will this cause me problems.
  14. tangster

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    I have a 75 gallon with the following: LR=55 lbs Seaclone Skimmer - This works very well. Emperor bio wheel UV sterilizer FISH: Hippo Tang Purple Tang Dragon Goby Mandarin Dragonet Bi-color Blenny Lawnmower Blenny I am trying to get my water stable enough to start adding corals but my nitrate is...
  15. tangster

    Water testing levels in reef tank HELP!

    I have tested again and my calcium is 1020mg/l It took 68 drops this time. It has droped lower, but I still think you all must be right and my test kit is bad or I am not using it correstly. I am going to go by my LFS and let them test my water and see what they get. Has anyone ever used the...
  16. tangster

    Water testing levels in reef tank HELP!

    After 75 drops it is completely blue. Dark blue.
  17. tangster

    Chocolate Chip + Xenia = Bad Combination?

    My experiance Chocolate chip stars will feed on the coral. I had to get rid of mine because it had eaten my button polyps. Now I have no corals, but will be starting again. Good Luck!