penguin bio filter


New Member
I have a 75 gallon with 50# of live rock and it has been running for 3 yrs. Is it safe to get rid of the wet/dry filter and onlu run with a seaclone skimmer?


why do you want to remove it? Many people start having high nitrates with biowheels and remove them for that reason, is that why you want to or are you just wanting to remove it for the heck of it. If you have a nitrate prob I would say remove it, if everythig is working fine then "if it aint broke dont fix it"


I agree, and if you remove it what will you be using for water circulation? U could take the bio-wheel off if you have nitrates.


New Member
I am having high nitrates and also I have 2 power heads for circulation. I was told the biowheels cause this and I was also told if you have sufficient amount of LR then a bio wheel is not needed. Is this true?


Very true about the not needing a biowheel if plenty of rock. I recommend taking the biowheel out of the penguin but leaving the pungiun in place for extra water movement and is good if you ever need to use carbon or anything you can place it in the filter. You may want to add a little more rock to be on the safe side. Most say to have atleast 1 pound per gallon. Of course this is just an estimate at best.