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  1. cincyjames

    Feeding advice

    I have a bunch of different hermits and snails and he never even pays attention to them will the clam be enticing enough. I think he is to used to eating from my hand I had a cleaner clam in the tank recently because i don't have a ref currently and he didn't go near it, but my longnosed...
  2. cincyjames

    Feeding advice

    I am looking to add more variety to the diet of my fish. I currently have a Long nosed butterfly, Porcupine puffer, two false percula clowns and a lmb. They all eat great, but they need more variety. My puffer only seems to eat frozen krill and shrimp what else can i try to give him. The...
  3. cincyjames

    Converting from Fish only to reef tank

    I currently am in the process of converting my 75 gallon fish only take to a FOWLR tank and then finally to a reef tank. My question is that i have a Fluval 404 canister filter which came with my setup 4 years ago and a hang on back protein skimmer and i want to know if i need to convert to a...