Feeding advice


New Member
I am looking to add more variety to the diet of my fish. I currently have a Long nosed butterfly, Porcupine puffer, two false percula clowns and a lmb. They all eat great, but they need more variety. My puffer only seems to eat frozen krill and shrimp what else can i try to give him. The butterfly eats raw clam and brine shrimp is there anything else he could eat or just add vitamins to its food. The clowns and lmb eat everything i give them.

What vitamins should i give them.
I was planning on blending some squid, clams, scallops and shrimp together and seeing how they do with that.


Active Member
You can add selcon or other vitamin supplements as well when you process it all together.


Active Member
depending on the size of your porcupine...you will want to give it foods that have shells to help wear down their teeth (or tooth)...if you don't, they will continue to grow and inhibit their ability to eat.


you can get fresh clams in the shell from a local market maybe. Then use a nut cracker to crack the shells and the puffer should be able to do the rest


New Member
I have a bunch of different hermits and snails and he never even pays attention to them will the clam be enticing enough. I think he is to used to eating from my hand
I had a cleaner clam in the tank recently because i don't have a ref currently and he didn't go near it, but my longnosed butterfly picked it clean.