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  1. jordan

    choclate chip

    any info on this star fish
  2. jordan


    so would u get something like that or something like a small huma niger and blue lined trigger thanks
  3. jordan


    Has anyone had any experience with dwarf octopus's. Are they really hard to keep? What do they eat? I have always wanted an octopus is this the one i should get? Are they boring and hide all day or not thanks for any help.
  4. jordan

    live sand and rock

    am setting up the 60 gal with the built in wet dry and a power head and skimmer but wanted to know do i need live sand like the natures ocean kind or live rock or can i just have crushed coral and fake corals and how neccesary is a uv sterelizer for a fish only tank thanks
  5. jordan

    what fish

    sorry about the lack of sense this article made i meant to say. IF i have really good filtration in a 60 gallon tank what fish should i put in im lookiing torwards peacful colorful fish.
  6. jordan

    what fish

    if i do have great filteration what fish would u recomend for aquarium i would like colorful thanks
  7. jordan


    i know it sounds like a real lot but i plan to keep them when there small like 3-4 inches and give them to the pet store after a bout a year or how ever long it takes were i see they dont have enough room but it probaly even then is huh
  8. jordan


    i will check that out but will the other fish be ok and what if i get rid of the bi color and the sail fin will there be enough room and will there still be a aggresion problem how bout filteration should i go with the big tank or 60 gallon with what i think is awsome filter
  9. jordan

    New Tank

    Im just getting a new aquarium i would like to add very small butterfly tangs and 1 koran angel and 1 bi color the tangs will be 1 yellow 1 sailfin and 1 convict there will be two butterflys i do not intend to keep them till they are huge i will keep them from small to medium then turn them into...