

New Member
i will check that out but will the other fish be ok and what if i get rid of the bi color and the sail fin will there be enough room and will there still be a aggresion problem how bout filteration should i go with the big tank or 60 gallon with what i think is awsome filter


New Member
That's a lot of fish to stock in a 60 or an 80 gallon, IMO. I only have 2 tangs in my 55, and one (a sailfin) has grown so quickly over the last 2 years that I'm afraid I'll have to find it a new home in another year or two.
Also consider what else you're planning on putting in the tank. LR takes up a good deal of space, for example, and you're going to need something like that to build hiding places for these fish. Many need a territory they can call their own, particularly when sleeping.


New Member
i know it sounds like a real lot but i plan to keep them when there small like 3-4 inches and give them to the pet store after a bout a year or how ever long it takes were i see they dont have enough room but it probaly even then is huh