Search results

  1. fishy all the time

    Placing Orders on SWF on Sundays

    I would like to place an order tonight on SWF. I have placed them many times but tonight it doesnt work. Is it because I am trying on Sunday? Or is there just a problem with their site tonight? Thanks
  2. fishy all the time

    Dual Tidepool II's and Mag drive 9.5 pumps for sale in MN - Will ship

    $200? Anybody...make us a deal. I hate to throw them away if somebody wants them.
  3. fishy all the time

    Dual Tidepool II's and Mag drive 9.5 pumps for sale in MN - Will ship

    i just got home from work, I will get some pictures on tomorrow after work. Can you send me an email, since I will be able to email them out easier probably. Thanks. I will also try to post pictures on here.
  4. fishy all the time

    Dual Tidepool II's and Mag drive 9.5 pumps for sale in MN - Will ship

    Hi all, We decided to switch to a refugium so we are getting rid of our old tide pool II s. We have a 210 gallon tank. So the tide pools are drilled and connected together with bulk heads and a PVC tube. The total length of our tank is 6 feet and it fits perfectly underneath. The PVC tubing...
  5. fishy all the time

    Want to update filtration for a 210 galloon tank - would like suggestions

    We have a 210 gallon fish and coral tank. It is drilled and we have 2 tide pools. We are looking to spend some cash on a new system. We would like only one with an external pump if possible (to cut down on heat in the summer). We already have a skimmer so we may not need a system that has...
  6. fishy all the time

    Upgraging filtration for a 210 gallon tank - what should we get?

    Wow it has been a long time since I have been on here. I could use a little help. We are going to sell our complete 54 gallon corner bow set up, so we should have some extra cash to spend. We have a drilled 210 gallon fish and coral tank. We have 2 tidepools underneath with 2 large pumps...
  7. fishy all the time

    Why does everything say wishlist on on stuff we can buy here?

    Thanks a lot. Do they know when they are going to re-open?
  8. fishy all the time

    Why does everything say wishlist on on stuff we can buy here?

    I was just wondering why there is nothing available to buy right now. Everything says wish list. I have not been on here in a little bit but I wanted to order some stuff. Just wondering if I missed something.:not sure:
  9. fishy all the time

    silicate problems from Southdown sand?

    I tried all the different frozen food that I had. Brine, mysis shrimp, marine cusine, and emerald entree. I even tried flake food. I tried adding garlic to the frozen food as well.
  10. fishy all the time

    silicate problems from Southdown sand?

    I will attatch a picture of my clown in his favorite home. I guess I am just bummed since he was my original fish. Maybe he was just old. As for the pH, I am sure it is 8.2. I will check it again in the morning when the lights come on. If I still get the same reading I will have my lfs...
  11. fishy all the time

    silicate problems from Southdown sand?

    to answer your questions... There are several leather corals that we have. I think we have 200 works out to between 4 and 5 inches. We to a water change once a month but sometimes we let it go longer. It has been about a month now. I guess we change about 10 gallons. We use instant...
  12. fishy all the time

    silicate problems from Southdown sand?

    We also have this brown film on the sand.
  13. fishy all the time

    silicate problems from Southdown sand?

    I have a 210 gallon reef tank that has been up and running for about 5 years. I have upgraded tank sizes through the years but have changed nothing else. I conside it a established tank with no problems. I am worried though because the tank seems to not being doing to well. All water...
  14. fishy all the time

    My favorite new fish

    Everything I have read about them says they are hardy. Mine is still doing well.
  15. fishy all the time

    I nee ID help with my weed

    The brown stuff
  16. fishy all the time

    My favorite new fish

    We just picked up this new goby...isnt he sweet!
  17. fishy all the time

    I nee ID help with my weed

    second picture